Truth ? | Salvatore Medica |

Nel 2019 con questo brano l'artista Salvatore Medica ha partecipato a X Factor Italia

Testo Truth ?

They come, falling trees
On my soul, creeping
And a shadow on the curtain.
And they come when you say
That all my words were nothing,
In front of the dim gleam of a wall light.
Now hear the voices,
That are talking you loudly
And tell me why it started.

I don't know what you think about me,
If you've ever heard the silence screaming,
If a nightmare chose you the night.
Oh i will glow,
In this room without walls,
Where the fire cannot consume me,
And see next when I can go.

They blind me in this game,
Where I search revenge,
Lone and scared on my way.
I try to fall in your teeth,
change for all my inconstancy,
But I saw you away from my path.

I don't know what you think about me
If you've ever heard the silence screaming
If a nightmare chose you the night
Oh i will glow
In this room without walls
Where the fire cannot consume me
And see next when I can go

Tell me where I can go to finally drown up,
where I can go to finally drown up,
where I can go to finally drown up,
where I can go to drown up.

They come, falling trees
On my soul, creeping
And a shadow on the curtain.

Playlist Spotify

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