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Informazioni Aerosmith | 0 Fan!

Formazione gruppo musicale:

Armonica a bocca
Anno Formazione Gruppo: 1970

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Genere Musicale

- Rock - Hard rock - Heavy metal - Hair metal - Blues metal


Music from Another Dimension!
Anno di pubblicazione 2012
1. Luv XXX
2. Another Last Goodbye
3. Shakey Ground
4. Up On The Mountain
5. Oasis
6. Sunny Side Of Love
7. Im Not Talkin'
8. Lovin‘ You
9. Beautiful
10. Closer
11. Freedom Fighter
12. We All Fall Down
13. Oh Yeah
14. Tell Me
15. Out Go The Lights
16. Legendary Child
17. What Could Have Been Love
18. Street Jesus
19. Can't Stop Loving You
20. Lover A Lot
21. Something

Honkin‘ on Bobo
Anno di pubblicazione 2004
1. I'm Ready
2. Jesus Is On The Main Line
3. Baby, Please Don't Go
4. Back Back Train
5. You Gotta Move
6. Eyesight To The Blind
7. Never Loved A Girl
8. Road Runner
9. Shame, Shame, Shame
10. Stop Messin' Around
11. Temperature
12. The Grind

Just Push Play
Anno di pubblicazione 2001
1. Avant Garden
2. Beautiful
3. Beyond Beautiful
4. Drop Dead Gorgeous
5. Fly Away From Here
6. Jaded
7. Just Push Play
8. Light Inside
9. Luv Lies
10. Outta Your Head
11. Sunshine
12. Under My Skin
13. Trip Hoppin'

Pandora‘s Box (Cd 2)
Anno di pubblicazione 1998
1. Toys In The Attic
2. Draw The Line
3. Adam's Apple
4. Lick And A Promise
5. Nobody's Fault
6. (Instrumental)
7. All Your Love
8. Last Child
9. Rats In The Cellar
10. Big Ten Inch Record
11. I Wanna Know Why
12. Walk This Way
13. No More No More
14. Sweet Emotion
15. You See Me Crying
16. Krawhitham
17. Round And Round
18. Critical Mass

Nine Lives
Anno di pubblicazione 1997
1. Something
2. Hole In My Soul
3. Falling In Love (Is Hard On The Knees)
4. Nine Lives
5. Taste Of India
6. Full Circle
7. Falling Off?
8. Something's Gotta Give
9. Ain't That A Bitch
10. The Farm
11. Crash
12. Kiss Your Past Good-bye
13. Pink
14. Attitude Adjustment
15. Fallen Angels

Big Ones
Anno di pubblicazione 1994
1. Walk On Water
2. Janiés Got A Gun
3. Amazing
4. Angel
5. Cryin'
6. Eat The Rich
7. Crazy
8. The Other Side
9. (Going Down) Love In An Elevator
10. Rag Doll
11. What It Takes
12. Dude (Looks Like A Lady)
13. Blind Man
14. Deuces Are Wild
15. Livin' On The Edge

Get a Grip
Anno di pubblicazione 1993
1. Shut Up And Dance
2. Amazing
3. Crazy
4. Boogieman
5. Cryin'
6. Eat The Rich
7. Livin' On The Edge
8. Line Up
9. Intro
10. Gotta Love It
11. Get A Grip
12. Flesh
13. Fever
14. Walk On Down

Pandora‘s Box (Cd 1)
Anno di pubblicazione 1991
1. When I Needed You
2. Lord Of The Thighs
3. Walkin' The Dog
4. Rattlesnake Shake
5. Dream On
6. Write Me A Letter
7. Seasons Of A Wither
8. Train Kept A Rollin'
9. Same Old Song And Dance
10. Mama Kin
11. On The Road Again
12. One Way Street
13. Movin' Out
14. Make It
15. Pandorás Box

Anno di pubblicazione 1989
1. Young Lust
2. Janiés Got A Gun
3. What It Takes
4. Don't Get Mad, Get Even
5. My Girl
6. The Other Side
7. Dulcimer Stomp
8. Water Song
9. Monkey On My Back
10. (Going Down) Love In An Elevator
11. F.i.n.e.
12. Hoodoo/Voodoo Medicine Man

Anno di pubblicazione 1988
1. Rats In The Cellar
2. Jailbait
3. Lord Of The Thighs
4. Critical Mass
5. Round And Round
6. Nobody's Fault
7. Adam's Apple
8. Mama Kin
9. No Surprize
10. Chip Away The Stone
11. Lick And A Promise
12. Train Kept A Rollin'

Permanent Vacation
Anno di pubblicazione 1987
1. Heart's Done Time
2. I'm Down
3. The Movie
4. Permanent Vacation
5. Girl Keeps Coming Apart
6. Hangman Jury
7. St. John
8. Dude (Looks Like A Lady)
9. Simoriah
10. Rag Doll
11. Magic Touch
12. Angel

Classic Live II
Anno di pubblicazione 1987
1. Back In The Saddle
2. Walk This Way
3. Movin' Out
4. Draw The Line
5. Same Old Song And Dance
6. Last Child
7. Let The Music Do The Talking
8. Toys In The Attic

Classic Live
Anno di pubblicazione 1986
1. Train Kept A Rollin'
2. Kings And Queens
3. Sweet Emotion
4. Dream On
5. Mama Kin
6. Lord Of The Thighs
7. Major Barbra
8. Three Mile Smile / Reefer Head Woman

Done with Mirrors
Anno di pubblicazione 1985
1. Let The Music Do The Talking
2. My Fist Your Face
3. Shame On You
4. The Reason A Dog
5. Shela
6. Gipsy Boots
7. The Hop
8. Darkness
9. She's On Fire

Rock in a Hard Place
Anno di pubblicazione 1982
1. Jailbait
2. Push Comes To Shove
3. Jig Is Up
4. Rock In A Hard Place (Cheshire Cat)
5. Prelude To Joanie
6. Cry Me A River
7. Bolivian Ragamuffin
8. Bitch's Brew
9. Lightning Strikes
10. Joaniés Butterfly

Greatest Hits
Anno di pubblicazione 1980
1. Dream On
2. Come Together
3. Kings And Queens
4. Draw The Line
5. Back In The Saddle
6. Last Child
7. Walk This Way
8. Sweet Emotion
9. Same Old Song And Dance
10. Remember (Walking In The Sand)

Night In The Ruts
Anno di pubblicazione 1979
1. No Surprize
2. Chiquita
3. Remember (Walking In The Sand)
4. Cheese Cake
5. Three Mile Smile
6. Reefer Head Woman
7. Bone To Bone (Coney Island White Fish Boy)
8. Think About It
9. Mia

Live Bootleg
Anno di pubblicazione 1978
1. Back In The Saddle
2. Train Kept A Rollin'
3. Draw The Line
4. Mother Popcorn
5. I Ain't Got You
6. Mama Kin
7. Sight For Sore Eyes
8. Chip Away The Stone
9. Dream On
10. Sick As A Dog
11. Walk This Way
12. Come Together
13. Last Child
14. Toys In The Attic
15. Lord Of The Thighs
16. Sweet Emotion
17. S.o.s. (Too Bad)

Draw the Line
Anno di pubblicazione 1977
1. Draw The Line
2. I Wanna Know Why
3. Critical Mass
4. Get It Up
5. Bright Light Fright
6. Kings And Queens
7. The Hand That Feets
8. Sight For Sore Eyes
9. Milk Cow Blues

Anno di pubblicazione 1976
1. Back In The Saddle
2. Last Child
3. Rats In The Cellar
4. Combination
5. Sick As A Dog
6. Nobody's Fault
7. Get The Lead Out
8. Lick And A Promise
9. Home Tonight

Toys in the attic
Anno di pubblicazione 1975
1. Toys In The Attic
2. Uncle Salty
3. Adam's Apple
4. Walk This Way
5. Big Ten Inch Record
6. Sweet Emotion
7. No More No More
8. Round And Round
9. You See Me Crying

Get your wings
Anno di pubblicazione 1974
1. Same Old Song And Dance
2. Lord Of The Thighs
3. Spaced
4. Woman Of The World
5. Train Kept A Rollin'
6. Seasons Of A Wither
7. Pandorás Box
8. S.o.s. (Too Bad)

Anno di pubblicazione 1973
1. Make It
2. Somebody
3. Dream On
4. One Way Street
5. Mama Kin
6. Write Me A Letter
7. Movin' Out
8. Walkin' The Dog

*In rosso i testi non disponibili

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