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Informazioni Albina | 0 Fan!
Nazionalità: Croazia


Albina will represent Croatia at the Eurovision Song Contest 2021 in Rotterdam with the song 'Tick-Tock'.

The singer from Split has displayed a burning passion for performance since she was young; her talent for singing was nurtured by her family who encouraged her to also learn the piano.

The Dora ‘21 (national final) champion released her first single Imuna na strah (Immune to Fear) towards the end of last year, but says of her winning track Tick-Tock that she knew this would be the song to define her as an artist and performer.

“I think everyone will be singing my song because it’s very catchy and I think that we have the whole package… the song, the dancers, the team. I’m so grateful that I get to perform Tick-Tock and that I have my excellent team behind me - they’ve really boosted me and given me so much...

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Altri Brani
1. Tick-Tock

*In rosso i testi non disponibili

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