Alice Merton | Biografia | Brani | Discografia | Concerti | Album | Discography | Testi

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Informazioni Alice Merton | 0 Fan!

Nome: Alice
Cognome: Merton
Età: 31 anni
Segno Zodiacale: Vergine
Data Nascita: 13-09-1993
Luogo Nascita: Francoforte sul Meno, Germania
Un suo video su youtube

Growing up around the world, singer/songwriter Alice Merton was as influenced by other cultures as much as transience itself. Born in Germany and raised in Canada and England, Alice Merton's absorption of different styles and sounds helped craft the worldly progressive pop leanings on her debut, which came out in 2016. As a child, she learned classical piano and singing while in Canada. When Merton was a teenager, her family moved to Germany, where she would pick up the guitar and write her first song. While in Germany, she also studied at the Mannheim conservatory of music. Later, the family would relocate again, this time to England. These frequent international shifts would play a key role in the songwriting process for her first output, 2016's No Roots EP (Paper Plane Records International / Mom+Pop Music).

Come e dove seguire l'artista Alice Merton

Genere Musicale

- Indie pop - Alternative dance


- Cantante

Alice Merton

Giorno di pubblicazione 18-01-2019
1. Learn to Live
2. 2 Kids
3. No Roots
4. Funny Business
5. Homesick
6. Lash Out
7. Speak Your Mind
8. I Don’t Hold a Grudge
9. Honeymoon Heartbreak
10. Trouble in Paradise
11. Why so Serious

No Roots
Giorno di pubblicazione 19-01-2018
1. No Roots
2. Jealousy
3. Hit The Ground Running
4. Lie To My Face

Altri Brani
1. Lash Out

Featuring e collaborazioni
1. The Best con Awolnation

*In rosso i testi non disponibili

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