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Informazioni Arctic Monkeys | 0 Fan!

Formazione gruppo musicale:

Chitarra elettrica
Voce secondaria
Anno Formazione Gruppo: 2002

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Arctic Monkeys

Come e dove seguire la Band Arctic Monkeys

Genere Musicale

- Indie rock - Alternative rock - Garage punk - Garage rock - Post-punk revival

Arctic Monkeys

Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino
Giorno di pubblicazione 11-05-2018
1. Star Treatment
2. Batphone
3. She Looks Like Fun
4. Science Fiction
5. The World's First Ever Monster Truck Front Flip
6. Four Out Of Five
7. Golden Trunks
8. Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino
9. American Sports
10. One Point Perspective
11. The Ultracheese

Anno di pubblicazione 2013
1. Do I Wanna Know
2. 2013
3. I Wanna Be Yours
4. Knee Socks
5. Snap Out Of It
6. Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High?
7. Fireside
8. Mad Sounds
9. No. 1 Party Anthem
10. I Want It All
11. Arabella
12. One For The Road
13. R U Mine?
14. Stop The World I Wanna Get Off With You

Suck It And See
Anno di pubblicazione 2011
1. Brick By Brick
2. Suck It And See
3. Love Is A Laserquest
4. Piledriver Waltz
5. Reckless Serenade
6. All My Own Stunts
7. Library Pictures
8. Don't Sit Down 'Cause I've Moved Your Chair
9. The Hellcat Spangled Shalalala
10. Black Treacle
11. She's Thunderstorms
12. That's Where You're Wrong

Anno di pubblicazione 2009
1. My Propeller
2. Red Right Hand
3. I Haven't Got My Strange
4. The Jeweller's Hands
5. Pretty Visitors
6. Dance Little Liar
7. Cornerstone
8. Fire And The Thud
9. Potion Approaching
10. Secret Door
11. Dangerous Animals
12. Crying Lightning
13. Sketchead

Favourite Worst Nightmare
Anno di pubblicazione 2007
1. Brianstorm
2. 505
3. Old Yellow Bricks
4. The Bad Thing
5. If You Were There, Beware
6. This House Is A Circus
7. Do Me A Favour
8. Only Ones Who Know
9. Fluorescent Adolescent
10. Balaclava
11. D Is For Dangerous
12. Teddy Picker
13. Matador

Leave Before The Lights Come On
Anno di pubblicazione 2006
1. Leave Before The Lights Come On
2. Put Your Dukes Up, John
3. Baby I'm Yours

Who The Fuck Are Arctic Monkeys?
Anno di pubblicazione 2006
1. The View From The Afternoon
2. Cigarette Smoker Fiona
3. Despair In The Departure Lounge
4. No Buses
5. Who The Fuck Are Arctic Monkeys?

*In rosso i testi non disponibili

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