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Informazioni Audax | 0 Fan!
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Provenienza: Brasile
Sono un gruppo musicale.


In 10 years Audax has traveled around the world to consolidate itself as what it has always been since the genesis: a trio of brothers multi-instrumentalists in love with electronic pop music - André, Pedro and João. Put in this way, it seems easy and natural to have gained space in the main electronic events in Brazil and Europe, but it was not quite like that. André and Pedro, twins, started playing guitar as teenagers. João, three years younger, followed them, but on the bass. Together with drummer Mateus Wille, they formed Audax and as a pop rock act the band lived for three years, with videos on MTV, tour of bars and nightclubs, until a car accident victimized the drummer.  Along with the decline of the pop rock scene at the time of the tragedy and João´s decision to graduate in college, we have a break in the trajectory of the group. But André and Pedro had been flirting with electronic music since the start of the band....

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Come e dove seguire la Band Audax

Genere Musicale

- House


*In rosso i testi non disponibili

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