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Informazioni Badly Drawn Boy | 0 Fan!
Nome: Damon
Cognome: Gough
Età: 55 anni
Segno Zodiacale: Bilancia
Data Nascita: 02-10-1969
Luogo Nascita: Lancashire, Regno Unito


It was June 2000 when the Mercury Prize-winning, seminal ‘The Hour of the Bewilderbeast’, announced the arrival of the badly drawn genius of Damon Gough. It's been a curious, wonderful, inimitable, unpredictable career so far of major prizes and minor incidents, all possibilities and magic in the air. 

Since then he has released four subsequent studio albums - Have You Fed The Fish? (2002), One Plus One Is One (2004), Born In The UK (2006) and It’s What I’m Thinking Part 1: Photographing Snowflakes (2010) – and three film soundtracks, About A Boy (2002, from the film of the same name), Is There Nothing We Could Do? (2009, from the Caroline Aherne film The Fattest Man In The UK) and Being Flynn (from the 2012 film of the same name).

Badly Drawn Boy’s soundtrack to the 2002 film About A Boy, starring Hugh Grant, remains one of Badly Drawn Boy’s most critically acclaimed and successful albums (certified Gold in the...

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Genere Musicale

- Alternative rock - Indie rock


- Cantautore - Chitarra

Badly Drawn Boy

Banana Skin Shoes
Anno di pubblicazione 2020
1. Banana Skin Shoes
2. Appletree Boulevard
3. Never Change
4. Fly On The Wall
5. Funny Time Of Year
6. Colours
7. Note To Self
8. I Need Someone To Trust
9. You And Me Against The World
10. Tony Wilson Said
11. I‘m Not Sure What It Is
12. I Just Wanna Wish You Happiness
13. Is This A Dream?
14. I‘ll Do My Best

Born In The U.K.
Anno di pubblicazione 2006
1. Born In The U.K.
2. One Last Dance
3. The Time Of Times
4. Walk You Home
5. Long Way Round
6. Without A Kiss
7. The Way Things Used To Be
8. Promises
9. Nothing‘s Gonna Change Your Mind
10. A Journey Fom A To B
11. Welcome To The Overground
12. Degrees Of Separation
13. Intro / Swimming Pool Part 1

One Plus One Is One
Anno di pubblicazione 2004
1. One Plus One Is One
2. Take The Glory
3. Life Turned Upside Down
4. Stockport
5. Logic Of A Friend
6. Fewer Words
7. Four Leaf Clover
8. Year Of The Rat
9. The Blossoms
10. Another Devil Dies
11. This Is That New Song
12. Summertime In Wintertime
13. Easy Love
14. Holy Grail

Have You Fed The Fish ?
Anno di pubblicazione 2002
1. Have You Fed The Fish?
2. What Is It Now?
3. Tickets To What You Need
4. Using Our Feet
5. Imaginary Lines
6. The Further I Slide
7. Centrepiece
8. You Were Right
9. I Was Wrong
10. All Possibilities
11. 40 Days. 40 Fights
12. Born Again
13. Bedside Story

About A Boy
Anno di pubblicazione 2002
1. Exit Stage Right
2. Delta (Little Boy Blues)
3. A Minor Incident
4. File Me Away
5. Walking Out Of Stride
6. Rachel‘s Flat
7. S.P.A.T
8. River Sea Ocean
9. Wet, Wet, Wet
10. Silent Sigh
11. I Love NYE
12. Above You, Below Me
13. Dead Duck
14. Something To Talk About
15. A Peak You Reach
16. Donna And Blitzen

The Hour Of Bewilderbeast
Anno di pubblicazione 2000
1. The Shining
2. Say It Again
3. Disillusion
4. Blisted Heart
5. Pissing In The Wind
6. Cause A Rockslide
7. Magic In The Air
8. This Song
9. Once Around The Block
10. Body Rap
11. Another Pearl
12. Stone On The Water
13. Camping Next To Water
14. Fall In A River
15. Bewilder
16. Everybody‘s Stalking
17. Epitaph

*In rosso i testi non disponibili

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