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Informazioni Benny Cristo | 0 Fan!
Nazionalità: Repubblica ceca


Already a competitive snowboarder, tennis ace and master of Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Plzeň-born performer Cristo can now add a second Eurovision entry to his list of accomplishments!

Benny’s roots span from the Czech Republic all the way to Angola (his mother and father’s respective birthplaces), and it’s his ability to fuse a range of global genres that broadcasters Česká televize (ČT) believe could give Cristo the edge at the Eurovision Song Contest.

Last year Benny won the Czech Republic’s national selection show ESCZ with his track Kemama, pushing Elis Mraz & Čis T into second place. After the cancellation of the 2020 Contest, Benny Cristo was one of the first artists to receive a no-strings invitation from their home broadcaster to return with a new entry the following year.

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Come e dove seguire l'artista Benny Cristo

Eventi e concorsi a cui ha partecipato

Anno 2021
Brano omaga

Benny Cristo

Altri Brani
1. omaga

*In rosso i testi non disponibili

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