Billie Eilish | Biografia | Brani | Discografia | Concerti | Album | Discography | Testi

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Informazioni Billie Eilish | 0 Fan!
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Nazionalità: Stati Uniti d'America 
Nome: Billie Eilish
Cognome: Pirate Baird O'Connell
Età: 22 anni
Segno Zodiacale: Sagittario
Data Nascita: 18-12-2001
Luogo Nascita: Los Angeles


With an appetite for the gliding, glassy indie-pop of artists like Aurora and Lana Del Rey and the Distorted Menace of Tyler the Creator and Earl Sweatshirt, Billie Eilish listens to music the way that most watch movies, entirely undefined by genre. This bleeds through into her own unique style of music, calling out lyrics with a mix of heartbreak and damaged indifference. Born and raised in Los Angeles by two actor/musician parents, Billie Eilish grew up surrounded by Art. She began singing in the Los Angeles Children’s Chorus when she was 8 years old. Now at the "seasoned" age of 14, Billie has begun releasing her own original material, Produced and Co-written by her Older brother Finneas O’Connell (Of The Slightlys). With songs like “Fingers Crossed”, telling an apocalyptic tale of a virus outbreak and the Song “Ocean Eyes” Calling out to a lost love, Billie’s voice and perspective roams far beyond her years in it’s...

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Come e dove seguire l'artista Billie Eilish

Genere Musicale

- Indie pop - Elettropop - Art Pop


- Cantante - Ukulele - Chitarra - Tastiera

Billie Eilish

When We Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?
Anno di pubblicazione 2019
1. !!!!!!!
2. I Love You
3. Listen Before I Go
4. Ilomilo
5. Bury A Friend
6. My Strange Addiction
7. 8
8. When The Party‘s Over
9. Wish You Were Gay
10. All The Good Girls Go To Hell
11. You Should See Me In A Crown
12. Xanny
13. Bad Guy
14. Goodbye

Billie Eilish
Anno di pubblicazione 2018
1. Lovely
2. Bad Company/So N So
3. Bitches Broken Hearts
4. Let Me Know
5. Winner --> Proponi testo
6. Another Stupid Song
7. Jupiter --> Proponi testo
8. Limbo
9. See-through
10. Panic --> Proponi testo
11. Listen Before I Go
12. Daddy
13. Because Im In Love With You
14. True Blue

Don‘t Smile At Me
Anno di pubblicazione 2017
1. Copycat
2. Idontwannabeyouanymore
3. My Boy
4. Watch
5. Party Favor
6. Bellyache
7. Ocean Eyes
8. Hostage
9. &burn

*In rosso i testi non disponibili

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