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Informazioni Blas Cantó | 0 Fan!
Nazionalità: Spagna


Not only was he due to represent his country with the song Universo at the cancelled 2020 competition, he also competed at Destino Eurovisión as part of the boyband Auryn in 2011 - missing out to winner Lucía Pérez.

His history with Eurovision stretches back even further, having competed in EuroJunior, the Spanish selection show for the Junior Eurovision Song Contest in 2004. With so many near misses, the vocalist from Murcia will be relieved that his time to shine on the biggest stage of all, inches ever closer.

"It's a longtime dream of mine," Blas confessed during a short interview following the announcement of his participation: "I dreamt of singing in the Eurovision Song Contest since I was a child."

To date, Blas has released five albums. His first four albums were released with the boyband Auryn, who won the Best Spanish...

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Eventi e concorsi a cui ha partecipato

24° in classifica
Anno 2021

Blas Cantó

Altri Brani
1. Voy A Quedarme

*In rosso i testi non disponibili

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