Blind Channel | Biografia | Brani | Discografia | Concerti | Album | Discography | Testi

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Informazioni Blind Channel | 0 Fan!
Provenienza: Finlandia
Sono un gruppo musicale.


Blind Channel features Joel Hokka (vocals and guitar), Niko Vilhelm (vocals), Joonas Porko (guitar), Olli Matela (bass), Tommi Lalli (drums) and recent addition Aleksi Kaunisvesi (keyboards), giving the band the perfect number of members for the Eurovision Song Contest stage.

Having honed their craft on the Finnish underground scene, the band believes the time has finally come for them to bring their brand of "violent pop" to a global stage.

As demonstrated during their national final, these rockers always 'turn it up to 11' for a performance and never fail to put on show with unparalleled energy and antics.

Singer Niko explains why Eurovision is the perfect platform for their track:

Dark Side is a song that's meant to be performed together with an audience, as a kind of communal experience. Now we needed to find that audience – and we knew that there were lots of people out there...

Clicca per vedere la biografia completa di Blind Channel

Come e dove seguire la Band Blind Channel

Eventi e concorsi a cui ha partecipato

in classifica
Anno 2021
Brano Dark Side

Blind Channel

Altri Brani
1. Dark Side

*In rosso i testi non disponibili

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