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Informazioni Blink 182 | 0 Fan!

Formazione gruppo musicale:

Anno Formazione Gruppo: 1992

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Blink 182

Genere Musicale

- Pop punk - Skate punk - Punk revival - Alternative rock

Blink 182

Anno di pubblicazione 2016
1. Cynical
2. California
3. The Only Thing That Matters
4. San Diego
5. Rabbit Hole
6. Left Alone
7. Teenage Satellites
8. Kings Of The Weekend
9. Home Is Such A Lonely Place
10. No Future
11. Built This Pool
12. Sober
13. Los Angeles
14. She's Out Of Her Mind
15. Bored To Death
16. Brohemian Rhapsody

Dogs Eating Dogs
Anno di pubblicazione 2012
1. Boxing Day
2. When I Was Young
3. Disaster
4. Dogs Eating Dogs
5. Pretty Little Girl

Anno di pubblicazione 2011
1. Ghost On The Dance Floor
2. Fighting The Gravity
3. Love Is Dangerous
4. MH 4.18.2011
5. This Is Home
6. Kaleidoscope
7. Wishing Well
8. Heart's All Gone
9. Heart's All Gone Interlude
10. Snake Charmer
11. After Midnigh
12. Up All Night
13. Natives
14. Even If She Falls

Greatest Hits
Anno di pubblicazione 2005
1. Carousel
2. Another Girl, Another Planet
3. Not Now
4. Always
5. Down
6. I Miss You
7. Feeling This
8. Stay Together For The Kids
9. First Date
10. The Rock Show
11. Man Overboard
12. Adam's Song
13. All the Small Things
14. What's my Age Again?
15. Josie
16. Dammit
17. M+M's
18. Aliens Exist

Blink 182
Anno di pubblicazione 2003
1. Feeling This
2. I'm Lost Without You
3. Go
4. Always
5. here's Your Letter
6. Asthenia
7. I Miss You
8. Not Now
9. All Of This
10. Easy Target
11. Stockholm Syndrome
12. Violence
13. Down
14. Obvious
15. The Fallen Interlude

Mark Tom & Travis Show
Anno di pubblicazione 2000
1. Dumpweed
2. Adam's Song
3. Peggy Sue
4. Wendy Clear
5. Carousel
6. All the Small Things
7. Mutt
8. The Country Song
9. Dammit
10. Pathetic
11. Voyeur
12. Don't Leave Me
13. Aliens Exist
14. Family Reunion
15. Going Away to College
16. What's my Age Again?
17. Rich Lips (Dick Lips)
18. Blew Job
19. Untitled
20. Man Overboard

Enema Of The State
Anno di pubblicazione 1999
1. Dumpweed
2. Wendy Clear
3. Mutt
4. The Party Song
5. All the Small Things
6. Adam's Song
7. Dysentery Gary
8. What's my Age Again?
9. Going Away to College
10. Aliens Exist
11. Don't Leave Me
12. Anthem

Dude Ranch
Anno di pubblicazione 1997
1. Pathetic
2. Lemmings
3. Degenerate
4. A New Hope
5. Josie
6. Emo
7. Apple Shampoo
8. Untitled
9. Enthused
10. Waggy
11. Dick Lips
12. Boring
13. Dammit
14. Voyeur
15. I'm Sorry

Chesire Cat
Anno di pubblicazione 1995
1. Carousel
2. Ben Wah Balls
3. Romeo And Rebecca
4. Wasting Time
5. Toast And Bananas
6. TV
7. Cacophony
8. Does My Breath Smell?
9. Peggy Sue
10. Strings
11. Touchdown Boy
12. Fentoozler
13. M+M's
14. Just About Done

Anno di pubblicazione 1994
1. 21 Days
2. Toast & Bananas
3. Time
4. The Girl Next Door
5. Strings
6. Sometimes
7. Romeo & Rebecca
8. Reebok Commercial
9. Point Of View
10. My Pet Sally
11. Fentoozler
12. Don't Leave Me
13. Carousel
14. TV

Anno di pubblicazione 1992
1. Reebok Commercial
2. Time
3. Red Skies
4. Alone
5. Point Of View
6. Marlboro Man
7. The Longest Line
8. Freak Scene

*In rosso i testi non disponibili

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