BowLand | Biografia | Brani | Discografia | Concerti | Album | Discography | Testi

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Informazioni BowLand | 0 Fan!

Sono un gruppo musicale.
Anno Formazione Gruppo: 2015

BowLand is a music project born in 2015 in Florence among three high school friends: Lei Low, Pejman and Saeed, who met each other in Tehran and consequently moved to Florence to pursue their studies.

BowLand's music has its roots in a musical space where floating atmospheres and unusual sounds blend with ethereal vocals and groovy beats. Genre-wise the music could be considered close to Trip Hop.

​BowLand is a multilayered project that is brought to life as a mixture of different artistic inputs: the notes, the voice and the graphics. BowLand in Farsi means "high", "loud" and "tall". BowLand is also a dream land whose atmosphere mirrors that of the music and its image will be crafted over time through the illustrations and animations of the singer.

Come e dove seguire la Band BowLand

Eventi e concorsi a cui ha partecipato

X Factor Italia
in classifica
Anno 2018

Genere Musicale

- Alternative Pop - Elettropop - Trip hop


Floating Trip
Giorno di pubblicazione 17-04-2017
1. Intro --> Proponi testo 02:17
2. One Eyed Giants --> Proponi testo
3. Don't Stop Me
4. Accidents --> Proponi testo
5. Boof --> Proponi testo
6. Darkness in Your Tone --> Proponi testo
7. Quiet --> Proponi testo
8. It's All Grey --> Proponi testo
9. Green Twilight --> Proponi testo
10. Monkey --> Proponi testo
11. Clowns --> Proponi testo

Featuring e collaborazioni
1. Autunno (feat. Bowland) con Anastasio

*In rosso i testi non disponibili

Playlist Spotify

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