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Informazioni Carl Barât | 0 Fan!

Nome: Carl Ashley Raphael
Cognome: Barât
Età: 46 anni
Segno Zodiacale: Gemelli
Data Nascita: 06-06-1978
Luogo Nascita: Basingstoke - Regno Unito
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Carl Barât

Come e dove seguire l'artista Carl Barât

Genere Musicale

- Indie rock - Punk revival - Britpop - Garage rock


- Cantante - Frontman - Chitarra

Brani del Gruppo The Libertines

Anthems For Doomed Youth
Anno di pubblicazione 2015
1. Barbarians
2. Glasgow Coma Scale Blues
3. The Milkman's Horse
4. Fury Of Chonburi
5. You're My Waterloo
6. Iceman
7. Belly Of The Beast
8. Heart Of The Matter
9. Anthem For Doomed Youth
10. Fame And Fortune
11. Gunga Din
12. Dead For Love

The Libertines
Anno di pubblicazione 2004
1. Can't Stand Me Now
2. What Became Of The Likely Lads
3. Road To Ruin
4. The Saga
5. Tomblands
6. What Katie Did
7. Campaign Of Hate
8. Arbeit Macht Frei
9. The Ha Ha Wall
10. Narcissist
11. Music When The Lights Go Out
12. The Man Who Would Be King
13. Don't Be Shy
14. Last Post On The Bugle
15. France

Up The Bracket
Anno di pubblicazione 2003
1. Vertigo
2. I Get Along
3. The Good Old Days
4. Begging
5. The Boy Looked At Johnny
6. Tell The King
7. Up The Bracket
8. Radio America
9. Boys In The Band
10. Time For Heroes
11. Horrow Show
12. Death On The Stairs
13. What A Waster

Legs 11
Anno di pubblicazione 2001
1. Music When The Lights Go Out
2. Hooray For The 21st Century
3. Love On The Dole
4. Bucket Shop
5. Sister Sister
6. Anything But Love
7. France
8. 7 Deadly Frenchmen

Brani del Gruppo Dirty Pretty Things

Romance At Short Notice
Anno di pubblicazione 2008
1. Buzzards And Crows
2. The North
3. Chinese Dogs
4. Truth Begins
5. Best Face
6. Kicks Or Consumption
7. Faultines
8. Come Closer
9. Tired Of England
10. Plastic Hearts
11. Hippy's Son
12. Blood On My Shoes

Waterloo To Anywhere
Anno di pubblicazione 2006
1. Deadwood
2. Last Of The Small Town Playboys
3. Wondering
4. You Fucking Love It
5. If You Love A Woman
6. The Enemy
7. Gin And Milk
8. The Gentry Cove
9. Blood Thirsty Bastards
10. Bang Bang You're Dead
11. Doctors And Dealers
12. B.u.r.m.a.

Altri Brani del Gruppo Dirty Pretty Things
1. Fault Lines
2. Kicks Of Consumption
3. 9 Lives
4. Bang Bang, You're Dead

*In rosso i testi non disponibili

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