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Informazioni Chris Wolstenholme | 0 Fan!

Nome: Christopher Anthony
Cognome: Wolstenholme
Età: 46 anni
Segno Zodiacale: Sagittario
Data Nascita: 02-12-1978
Luogo Nascita: Rotherham - Regno Unito
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Chris Wolstenholme

Genere Musicale

- Alternative rock - Neoprogressive - Rock progressivo


- Cantante - Basso - Armonica a bocca

Brani del Gruppo Muse

Simulation Theory
Giorno di pubblicazione 09-11-2018
1. Algorithm
2. The Dark Side
3. Pressure
4. Propaganda
5. Break It To Me
6. Something Human
7. Thought Contagion
8. Get Up and Fight
9. Blockades --> Proponi testo
10. Dig Down
11. The Void --> Proponi testo
12. Algorithm (Alternate Reality Version) --> Proponi testo
13. The Dark Side (Alternate Reality Version)
14. Propaganda (Acoustic) --> Proponi testo
15. Something Human (Acoustic)
16. Dig Down (Acoustic Gospel Version)

Dig Down
Anno di pubblicazione 2017
1. Dig Down

Anno di pubblicazione 2015
1. Dead Inside
2. The Globalist
3. Aftermath
4. Revolt
5. Defector
6. [JFK]
7. The Handler
8. Reapers
9. Mercy
10. Psycho
11. [Drill Sergeant]
12. Drones

The 2nd Law
Anno di pubblicazione 2012
1. Supremacy
2. The 2nd Law: Unsustainable
3. Liquid State
4. Save Me
5. Big Freeze
6. Explorers
7. Animals
8. Follow Me
9. Survival (Traducciò;n)
10. Prelude
11. Panic Station
12. Madness
13. The 2nd Law: Isolated System

The Resistance
Anno di pubblicazione 2009
1. Uprising
2. Exogenesis : Symphony Part II (Cross Pollination)
3. Exogenesis : Symphony Part I (Overture)
4. I Belong To You (Mon Coeur S'ouvre A Ta Voix)
5. Mk Ultra
6. Unnatural Selection
7. Guiding Light
8. United States Of Eurasia
9. Undisclosed Desires
10. Resistance
11. Exogenesis : Symphony Part III (Redemption)

Black Holes And Revelations
Anno di pubblicazione 2006
1. Take A Bow
2. Glorious
3. Knights Of Cydonia
4. Hoodoo
5. City Of Delusion
6. Assassin
7. Invincible
8. Soldier's Poem
9. Map Of The Problematique
10. Supermassive Black Hole
11. Starlight
12. Exo-Politics

Anno di pubblicazione 2003
1. Apocalypse Please
2. Rule By Secrecy
3. The Smallprint
4. Thoughts Of A Dying Atheist
5. Endlessly
6. Butterflies And Hurricanes
7. Blackout
8. Hysteria
9. Falling Away With You
10. Stockholm Syndrome
11. Sing For Absolution
12. Time Is Running Out
13. Fury

Hullabaloo (Soundtrack)
Anno di pubblicazione 2001
1. Forced In
2. Citizen Erased
3. Showbiz
4. Megalomania
5. Dark Shines
6. Screenager
7. Space Dementia
8. In Your World
9. Muscle Museum
10. Micro Cuts
11. Dead Star
12. Hyper Chondriac Music
13. Shrinking Universe
14. Recess
15. Yes Please
16. Map Of Your Head
17. Natural Disaster
18. Shine (Acoustic)
19. Ashamed
20. The Gallery
21. Agitated

Origin Of Symmetry
Anno di pubblicazione 2001
1. New Born
2. Feeling Good
3. Dark Shines
4. Screenager
5. Micro Cuts
6. Citizen Erased
7. Plug In Baby
8. Hyper Music
9. Space Dementia
10. Bliss
11. Megalomania

Anno di pubblicazione 1999
1. Sunburn
2. Overdue
3. Escape
4. Sober
5. Uno
6. Unintended
7. Showbiz
8. Cave
9. Falling Down
10. Fillip
11. Muscle Museum
12. Hate This And I'll Love You

*In rosso i testi non disponibili

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