Daði Freyr | Biografia | Brani | Discografia | Concerti | Album | Discography | Testi

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Informazioni Daði Freyr | 0 Fan!
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Nazionalità: Islanda
Nome: Daði
Cognome: Freyr Pétursson
Età: 32 anni
Segno Zodiacale: Cancro
Data Nascita: 30-06-1992
Luogo Nascita: Reykjavík


Music and family have always meant the world to Daði Freyr. They are the two essentials that inspire and motivate him to fulfil his ambitions, as well as keeping him closely connected to his beloved Iceland and the close-knit communities he has always adored.

As an artist who enjoys obsessing over and dissecting the intricate craft of the three-minute pop song, Daði is a keen student of the fascinatingly diverse annual explosion of pop that is the Eurovision Song Contest.

Although there was no competition in Rotterdam last year, his 2020 entry Think About Things became a hugely infectious dance sensation. The track has been streamed over seventy million times on Spotify, and it blessed the official Top 40 charts of the United Kingdom, Sweden and Ireland (where it placed in the Top 3, as it did in Daði's native Iceland).

Daði’s wife and inspiration for 10 Years, Árný Fjóla,...

Clicca per vedere la biografia completa di Daði Freyr

Come e dove seguire l'artista Daði Freyr

Eventi e concorsi a cui ha partecipato

in classifica
Anno 2021
Brano 10 Years

Daði Freyr

Anno di pubblicazione 2021
1. Clear My Head --> Proponi testo
2. Somebody Else Now --> Proponi testo
3. Feel The Love
4. 10 Years (Chromeo Remix) --> Proponi testo

*In rosso i testi non disponibili

Playlist Spotify

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