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Informazioni Demi Lovato | 0 Fan!

Nome: Demetria Devonne
Cognome: Lovato
Età: 32 anni
Segno Zodiacale: Leone
Data Nascita: 20-08-1992
Luogo Nascita: Albuquerque - Stati Uniti

Demetria Devonne nota come Demi Lovato è nata a Albuquerque il 20 agosto 1992.
E' una cantautrice e attrice statunitense.

Come e dove seguire l'artista Demi Lovato

Genere Musicale

- Pop - Pop rock - Contemporary R&B


- Cantautrice - Attrice

Demi Lovato

Giorno di pubblicazione 21-06-2018 (Singolo)
1. Sober 3:17

Anno di pubblicazione 2015
1. Cool For The Summer
2. Stars
3. Father
4. Yes
5. Lionheart
6. Wildfire
7. Waitin For You
8. Kingdom Come
9. Stone Cold
10. For You
11. Old Ways
12. Confident
13. Mr. Hughes

Anno di pubblicazione 2013
1. Heart Attack
2. Give Your Heart a Break
3. I Hate You Don't Leave Me
4. Warrior
5. Shouldn't Come Back
6. Never Been Hurt
7. Something That We're Not
8. Fire Starter
9. Really Don't Care
10. In Case
11. Nightingale
12. Two Pieces
13. Neon Lights
14. Without The Love
15. Made In The Usa
16. Skyscraper

Anno di pubblicazione 2011
1. All Night Long
2. Skyscraper Remix
3. For The Love Of A Daughter
4. My Love Is Like A Star
5. In Real Life
6. Skyscraper
7. Give Your Heart a Break
8. Mistake
9. Hold Up
10. Fix A Heart
11. Unbroken
12. Lightweight
13. Together
14. You're My Only Shorty
15. Who's That Boy

Here We Go Again
Anno di pubblicazione 2009
1. Here We Go Again
2. So Far So Great
3. Gift Of A Friend
4. Everything You're Not
5. Remember December
6. World Of Chances
7. Stop The World
8. Got Dynamite
9. Every Time You Lie
10. Catch Me
11. Quiet
12. Falling Over Me
13. U Got Nothin' On Me
14. Solo
15. Here We Go Again

Don‘t Forget
Anno di pubblicazione 2008
1. La La Land
2. Until You're Mine
3. The Middle
4. Two Worlds Collide
5. Gonna Get Caught
6. Don't Forget
7. On The Line
8. Party
9. Trainwreck
10. Get Back
11. Believe In Me

Altri Brani
1. Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
2. Heart Attack Remixes
3. Heart By Heart
4. How To Love
5. I Can Only Imagine
6. I Hate You Don't Leave
7. I Still Hear Your Voice
8. I Will Survive
9. Irresistible Remix
10. It's Not Too Late (camp Rock 2 Soundtrack)
11. It's Not Too Late
12. Lala Land
13. Lalaland
14. Let It Go
15. Lo Que Soy (This Is Me)
16. Lo Que Soy
17. Magical --> Proponi testo
18. Make A Wave Ft. Joe Jonas
19. Make A Wave
20. Me Myself And Time
21. Me, Myself And Time
22. Middle
23. Mirror
24. Moves Me
25. My Stupid Heart --> Proponi testo
26. Not Yet
27. One And The Same (avec Selena Gomez)
28. One And The Same (feat. Selena Gomez)
29. One And The Same
30. One In The Same
31. Open
32. Our Time Is Here
33. Pieces Of A Heart --> Proponi testo
34. Queen Bee
35. Rascacielo
36. Ride
37. Scream
38. Send It On
39. Shadow
40. Shut Up And Love Me
41. Sing My Song For You
42. Smile
43. So Far, So Great
44. Sonny With A Chance
45. Stronger
46. That's How You Know
47. The Christmas Song
48. This Is Me (version Acoustique)
49. This Is Me-camp Rock
50. This Is Me
51. This Is Our Song
52. This Is Real
53. Trash
54. Two Worlds
55. Until yoúre mine
56. Up
57. We Rock
58. We'll Be A Dream (with Travis Clark)
59. We'll Be A Dream
60. What To Do
61. Who Will I Be
62. Why Don't You Love Me?
63. Why Don't You Love Me
64. Wonderful Christmas Time
65. Work Of Art
66. World Oh Chances
67. Xx This Is Me XX
68. Yes I Am
69. You Got Nothin' On Me
70. You're My Favorite Song
71. 1, 2, 3 Goodbye
72. 1, 2, 3, Goodbye
73. Afterglow --> Proponi testo
74. Aftershock
75. Back Around
76. Behind Enemies Lines
77. Behind Enemy Lines
78. Behind The Enemy Line
79. Belive In Me
80. Besame Mucho
81. Brand New Days
82. Can't Back Down
83. Can't Stop The World
85. Day Dream
86. Daydream
87. Demi Lovato- Yes I Am
88. Different Summer
89. Don't forget
90. Everytime You Lie
91. Forget
92. Get Back (2)
93. Get Caught
94. Gif Of A Friend
95. Give Me Love
96. Got My Girls
97. Gotta Find You

Featuring e collaborazioni
1. Instruction con Jax Jones
2. Échame La Culpa con Luis Fonsi
3. Solo con Clean Bandit

*In rosso i testi non disponibili

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