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Informazioni Dion | 0 Fan!
Nome: Dion Francis
Cognome: DiMucci
Età: 85 anni
Segno Zodiacale: Cancro
Data Nascita: 18-07-1939
Luogo Nascita: New York, Stati Uniti


DION and his music will always represent a special time and place ... a moment when a song could mean so much and a singer could sum up what it means to be young, in love and on top of the world. But Dion is more than a cherished memory. Critic Dave Marsh notes that Dion is the only artist from the 1950’s who has remained creative and relevant into the 2000s. In 1958 he had three top-forty hits. In 2008 he was nominated for a Grammy. In 2020 he released Blues with Friends, accompanied by Joe Bonamassa, Paul Simon, Bruce Springsteen, Van Morrison, Jeff Beck, and many other rock luminaries.In the ’50s he was one of a handful of innovators who defined rock 'n' roll.

R & B, blues, doowop, and that first wave of rock all influenced Dion’s approach to music. But it was Hank Williams, the great country artist, who first sparked his ambitions. Williams’s hard-driving lonesome sound attracted the city boy. By age twelve, Dion had collected fifty...

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Come e dove seguire l'artista Dion

Genere Musicale

- Rock and roll - Blues


- Cantautore - Chitarra

*In rosso i testi non disponibili

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