Erin Harpe & the Delta Swingers | Biografia | Brani | Discografia | Concerti | Album | Discography | Testi

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Informazioni Erin Harpe & the Delta Swingers | 0 Fan!

Formazione gruppo musicale:

Chitarra acustica
Chitarra elettrica
Armonica a bocca
Anno Formazione Gruppo: 2010

Erin Harpe has been called “one of the most dynamic, talented and exciting roots rocking blues women on the scene” by Living Blues Magazine. Erin Harpe & the Delta Swingers, her Boston Music Award-winning band, just released their second full-length album entitled BIG ROAD – out on VizzTone! The self-produced album highlights Erin’s diverse influences, from her roots in acoustic delta and piedmont blues, to her electric side – slide guitar, boogie blues, funk, and soul.

In the time since the band’s debut album Love Whip Blues (produced by Dave Gross) Erin and the band have been touring the country nonstop – honing their craft, and making plenty of new fans. They’ve driven countless miles (Erin behind the wheel) and had numerous adventures, and also (as you can imagine) trials, along the way. Subsequently, Erin has emerged into the limelight, taking on a more direct role as producer and playing lead guitar. Big Road is an apt name for her new, self-produced album. It describes where she and the band have been, traveling the highways and back roads, bringing people joy through their music. It’s also the name of Erin’s favorite Tommy Johnson song, “Big Road Blues”, the one that Billy Gibbons said he liked her arrangement of when she opened for ZZ Top!

“It’s the album I’ve always wanted to make,” explains Erin, “an authentic live-sounding set of songs, centered around my guitar playing, which is at the root of my music – from acoustic finger-picking, to electric slide guitar, to wah-wah fueled funk, with a few guitar solos thrown in.” The album was recorded (and mixed) in just 6 days by Pete Weiss at Verdant Studio, during a snowstorm in southern Vermont, and features Jim Countryman on bass guitar and ukulele bass, Matt “Charles” Prozialeck on harmonica, and Kendall Divoll on drums and percussion, with a little organ and accordion added by their friend Michael Casavant.

Come e dove seguire la Band Erin Harpe & the Delta Swingers

Genere Musicale

- Blues

Erin Harpe & the Delta Swingers

Big Road
Giorno di pubblicazione 20-10-2017
1. Kokomo Me Baby --> Proponi testo 5:33
2. Lonely Leavin' Town --> Proponi testo 5:54
3. Big Road --> Proponi testo 4:12
4. Frankie --> Proponi testo 3:42
5. Shake Your Hips --> Proponi testo 8:22
6. Casey Jones --> Proponi testo 5:38
7. Voodoo Blues --> Proponi testo 5:37
8. Stop & Listen --> Proponi testo 3:02
9. Guilty --> Proponi testo 2:24
10. Gimme That (Somethin‘ Special) --> Proponi testo 6:36

Love Whip Blues
Giorno di pubblicazione 04-11-2014
1. The Delta Swing --> Proponi testo 4:39
2. Charles River Delta Blues --> Proponi testo 4:31
3. Virtual Booty Blues --> Proponi testo 4:07
4. Pick Poor Robin Clean --> Proponi testo 3:06
5. One Way Man --> Proponi testo 4:34
6. The M&O Blues --> Proponi testo 5:36
7. Good Luck Baby --> Proponi testo 4:22
8. Future Blues --> Proponi testo 4:18
9. Love Whip Blues --> Proponi testo 3:11
10. Angel From Montgomery --> Proponi testo 5:26

*In rosso i testi non disponibili

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