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Informazioni Geometric Vision | 0 Fan!

Sono un gruppo musicale.
Anno Formazione Gruppo: 2012

Geometric Vision take form in 2012 in the northern suburbs of Naples.

Ago Giordano, after several electro darkwave solo experiments decided to create a band by involving Gennaro Campanile on bass and Roberto Amato on guitar.

In 2013 the band gave birth to the first album entitled "Dream" coming out for the Italian-Swiss label Swiss Dark Nights, characterized by a strong ethereal coldwave matrix.

The album was well received by critics in both Italy and abroad and the band played it live around Italy during a long tour.

In the beginning of 2015 there was the release of the second album "Virtual Analog Tears" always with the SDN label in collaboration with Manic Depression anticipated by the single "Hills".

Virtual Analog Tears is in some ways darker and more experimental , showing clearly the new sound research pursued by the band and it seems to have a common thread: the relationship between truth and artifice in the contemporary era and the disorientation that all this generate.

This second album allowed the band to cross the national borders and the "Virtual Analog Tour" reached some of the most important European cities and festivals.

After a couple of years in studio finally the third album FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! will be out on April 23rd 2018.

Come e dove seguire la Band Geometric Vision

Genere Musicale

- Post-punk - Elettropop - Darkwave

Geometric Vision

Giorno di pubblicazione 23-04-2018
1. Fire! Fire! Fire! --> Proponi testo 03:46
2. The Head --> Proponi testo 03:23
3. 79 D.C. --> Proponi testo 03:06
4. Kimera --> Proponi testo 03:14
5. Apocalypse Queen --> Proponi testo 05:11
6. Jelly Dream --> Proponi testo 04:03
7. Desert Rain --> Proponi testo 03:56
8. Tombs Are Seeds --> Proponi testo 03:32
9. Made Of Stone --> Proponi testo 05:30

Virtual Analog Tears
Giorno di pubblicazione 16-03-2015
1. Black Heaven --> Proponi testo 4:08
2. Think --> Proponi testo 5:47
3. Hills --> Proponi testo 4:00
4. Another Day Without Blue --> Proponi testo 3:00
5. Generation A --> Proponi testo 3:53
6. In Your Silent Room --> Proponi testo 5:19
7. Panic --> Proponi testo 3:20
8. Joy --> Proponi testo 2:56
9. Virtual Analog Tears --> Proponi testo 4:42
10. Stupid Song for Dreamers --> Proponi testo 3:04
11. Novembre --> Proponi testo 4:19
12. Nenia --> Proponi testo 6:03

Giorno di pubblicazione 22-11-2013
1. Chant D'automne --> Proponi testo 2:24
2. I'm in Space --> Proponi testo 3:20
3. Stranger --> Proponi testo 3:03
4. Two Rums (I Miss You)/ Four Rums (I Lost You) --> Proponi testo 3:10
5. In My Cold Room --> Proponi testo 4:22
6. Skies --> Proponi testo 3:03
7. We Have No Time --> Proponi testo 3:48
8. Never Stop the Dance --> Proponi testo 3:30
9. Solitude of the Trees --> Proponi testo 3:07
10. Dream --> Proponi testo 6:48

*In rosso i testi non disponibili

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