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Informazioni Gregorian | 0 Fan!

Sono un gruppo musicale.
Anno Formazione Gruppo: 1991

ultimi album dal 2016 ad oggi

Genere Musicale

- New age


The Dark Side Of The Chant
Anno di pubblicazione 2010
1. O Fortuna
2. Luzifer --> Proponi testo
3. Black Wings
4. Frozen
5. Dark Side
6. Bring Me To Life
7. My Heart Is Burning
8. Morning Dew
9. Born To Feel Alive
10. Hells Bells
11. All I Need
12. Stripped --> Proponi testo
13. Dark Angel

Masters Of Chant Chapter VII
Anno di pubblicazione 2009
1. Meadows Of Heaven
2. Chasing Cars
3. Kashmir
4. Molly Ban
5. Running Up That Hill
6. A Whiter Shade Of Pale
7. Enjoy The Silence
8. Arrival
9. The Carpet Crawlers
10. A Face In The Crowd
11. Sweet Child Of Mine
12. It Will Be Forgiven
13. One
14. Don't Leave Me Now

Altri Brani
1. Mad World
2. Maid Of Orleans
3. Mery Street
4. Miracle Of Love
5. Moment Of Peace
6. More
7. My Immortal (Evanescence cover)
8. My Immortal
9. Nothing Else Matters
10. Once In A Lifetime
11. One Of Us
12. Only You
13. Ordinary World
14. Sacrifice (Elton John cover)
15. Sacrifice
16. Salve Regina
17. Save A Prayer
18. Scarborough Fair
19. Sebastian
20. Send Me An Angel
21. Silent Licidity
22. Silent Lucidity
23. So sad
24. Stairway To Heaven
25. Still I'm Sad
26. Stop Crying Your Heart Out
27. The Circle
28. The End
29. The First Time I Ever Saw Your Face
30. The Four Horsemen
31. The Gift
32. The Raven
33. The Sound Of Silence
34. The Unforgiven
35. Unbeliever
36. Uninvited
37. Vienna
38. We Love You
39. When A Man Loves A Women
40. When a Man Loves a Woman
41. Where The Wild Roses Grow
42. Who Wants To Live Forever
43. Wicked Game
44. Wild Rose
45. Wish You Were Here
46. With Or Without You
47. World
48. A Weakened Soul
49. Angels
50. Auld Lang Syne
51. Ave Santani
52. Be
53. Before The Dawn
54. Believe In Me
55. Blasphemous Rumours
56. Blue Monday
57. Bonny Portmore
58. Boulevard Of Broken Dreams
59. Bridge Over Troubled Water
60. Brothers In Arms
61. Child In Time
62. Clocks
63. Close My Eyes Forever
64. Comfortably Numb
65. Crazy Crazy Nights
66. Crying In The Rain
67. Don't Give Up
68. Dreams
69. Engel
70. Evening Falls
71. Everybody Gotta Learn Sometimes
72. Fade To Grey
73. Fields Of Gold
74. Fix You
75. For No One
76. Gregorian Anthem
77. Happy Xmas War Is Over
78. Heroes
79. Hide&Seek
80. Hide&Seek
81. High Hopes
82. Hurt
83. Hymn
84. I Feel Free
85. I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
86. I Won't Hold You Back
87. I'll Find My Way Home
88. Imagine
89. In The Air Tonight
90. In The Shadows
91. Joga
92. Join Me
93. Lady D'Arbanville
94. Losing My Religion
95. Lucky Man

*In rosso i testi non disponibili

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