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Informazioni Hooverphonic | 0 Fan!
Provenienza: Belgio
Sono un gruppo musicale.
Anno Formazione Gruppo: 1996


Hooverphonic are a Belgian ambient pop group who initially became known for their moody, playful take on trip-hop during the mid-'90s. Since then, the band's sound has evolved greatly, incorporating psychedelic, pop, and orchestral elements. The group's songs have appeared in numerous advertisements as well as film and television soundtracks, and they have a considerable fan base throughout the world. However, they are superstars in their native Belgium; starting with 1998's Blue Wonder Power Milk, all of their albums (including compilations and live recordings) have hit the Top Ten of the album charts, and five of them have reached the top spot.

Come e dove seguire la Band Hooverphonic

Eventi e concorsi a cui ha partecipato

19° in classifica
Anno 2021

Genere Musicale

- Alternative rock - Indie rock - Dream pop - Trip hop


In Wonderland
Anno di pubblicazione 2016
1. In Wonderland --> Proponi testo
2. God's Gift --> Proponi testo
3. Praise Be --> Proponi testo
4. Hiding In A Song --> Proponi testo
5. Thin Line --> Proponi testo
6. Deep Forest --> Proponi testo
7. Cocaine Kids --> Proponi testo
8. Badaboum
9. I Like The Way I Dance --> Proponi testo
10. Moving --> Proponi testo

Anno di pubblicazione 2013
1. Amalfi
2. Erased
3. Copper (Cu)
4. Roadblock
5. Wait For A While
6. Gravity
7. Plasticine
8. Single Malt
9. Devil Kind Of Girl
10. Boomerang
11. Bad Weather
12. Radio Silence
13. Ether
14. Abc Of Apology
15. Clouds

The Night Before
Anno di pubblicazione 2010
1. Anger Never Dies
2. Danger Zone
3. Sunday Afternoon
4. How Can You Sleep
5. Encoded Love
6. Identical Twins
7. One Two Three
8. More --> Proponi testo
9. Norwegian Stars
10. Heartbroken
11. The Night Before
12. George's Cafe

The President Of The LSD Golf Club
Anno di pubblicazione 2007
1. Stranger
2. Bohemian Laughter --> Proponi testo
3. Strictly Out Of Phase --> Proponi testo
4. Black Marble Tiles
5. Billie --> Proponi testo
6. The Eclipse Song --> Proponi testo
7. Circles
8. Expedition Impossible --> Proponi testo
9. 50 Watt
10. Gentle Storm

No More Sweet Music
Anno di pubblicazione 2005
1. You Love Me To Death
2. My Child
3. Wake Up
4. Heartbeat
5. Dirty Lenses
6. Tomorrow
7. No More Sweet Music
8. You Hurt Me
9. Music Box
10. We All Float
11. Ginger

Sit Down And Listen To Hooverphonic
Anno di pubblicazione 2004
1. Antarctica
2. The World Is Mine
3. Someone
4. Sad Song
5. Vinegar & Salt
6. Eden
7. Frosted Flake Wood
8. 2 Wicky
9. My Autumn's Done Come
10. Jackie Cane
11. Inhaler
12. One
13. Sometimes

Hooverphonic Presents Jackie Cane
Anno di pubblicazione 2002
1. Sometimes
2. The Last Supper
3. Opium
4. Others Delight
5. Shampoo
6. Day After Day
7. Sad Song
8. Jackies Delerium
9. The World Is Mine
10. Nirvana Blue
11. Human Interest
12. One
13. The Kiss

The Magnificent Tree
Anno di pubblicazione 2000
1. Autoharp
2. L'odeur Animale
3. Pink Fluffy Dinosaurs
4. Out Of Sight
5. Every Time We Live Together We Die A Bit More
6. Frosted Flake Wood
7. Vinegar & Salt
8. The Magnificent Tree
9. Jackie Cane
10. Waves
11. Mad About You
12. Visions (Bonus Track)

Blue Wonder Power Milk
Anno di pubblicazione 1998
1. Battersea
2. Blue Wonder Power Milk
3. Magenta
4. Tuna
5. Renaissance Affair
6. This Strange Effect
7. Out Of Tune
8. Electro Shock Faders
9. Lung
10. Eden
11. Club Montepulciano
12. Dictionary
13. One Way Ride
14. Neon

A New Stereophonic Sound Spectacular
Anno di pubblicazione 1996
1. Inhaler
2. Revolver
3. Someone
4. Sarangi
5. Nr 9
6. Cinderella
7. Barabas
8. Plus Profond
9. Wardrope
10. 2 Wicky
11. Innervoice

*In rosso i testi non disponibili

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