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Informazioni Hypnotheticall | 0 Fan!

Formazione gruppo musicale:

Chitarra solista
Chitarra ritmica
Voce secondaria
Anno Formazione Gruppo: 2002

Hypnotheticall debuts in 2002 with an EP entitled "In Need Of A God?", followed by "Thorns" in 2003 and by "Fragments Of Truth" in 2006!!! A completely self-produced triptych that only in the latest phase is able to lead to the first record deal!!!

During these five years the band deals with various concerts consolidating its reputation of technical and solid band and gets very good reviews, a good critical acclaim culminating in a record deal signed with INSANITY RECORDS, Polish label particularly impressed by the band's progressive metal proposal!!! "Dead World" is born, first official full-length album accompanied by a video clip of the single "Fear Of A Suffocated Wrath"!!!

It's 2009 and the band, after several dates in the north of Italy, faces the first strong line-up change!!! The drummer Paolo Veronese and the singer Francesco Dal Barco pass the baton to Francesco Tresca and Marco Ciscato!!! In the line-up there's also a place for keyboardist Davide Pretto who, along with guitarists Giuseppe Zaupa and Mirko Marchesini and bassist Luca Capalbo, records the band's second official full-length album called "A Farewell To Gravity", published by the Italian label LOGIC (IL) LOGIC!!!

The album, promoted by several videos, interviews and various concerts culminating with the participation at the MASTERS OF ROCK Festival in Czech Republic, receives great reviews highlightning the band's personality and variety of style!!!

In 2014 the band tackles the last change of skin becoming a creature with 4 heads!!!

Giuseppe Zaupa and Luca Capalbo square the circle by incorporating the technical and incisive style of drummer Giulio Cariolato and the versatile and charismatic voice of Davide Pellichero!!!

With this line-up the band records a first single entitled "Awake(ning)", publishing it in February 2016 and jumping headlong into the writing of the third official full-length album "Synchreality", published on March 16 of 2018 by Revalve Records!!!

Come e dove seguire la Band Hypnotheticall

Genere Musicale

- Heavy metal - Progressive metal


Giorno di pubblicazione 01-06-2018
1. Synchronism To The Light 2:38
2. Where All The Trees Bend 5:44
3. Tribal Nebula 4:08
4. The Spell 4:35
5. Industrial Memories 4:59
6. Dreaming In Digital 5:42
7. Solstice Of Emotions 5:00
8. In Hatred 4:22
9. Rumors 5:24
10. Analog Dream Experience 4:13

Giorno di pubblicazione 05-02-2016 (Singolo)
1. Awake​(​ning)

A Farewell To Gravity
Giorno di pubblicazione 12-03-2013
1. From The Universe Beyond 7:14
2. Home 4:31
3. Drifting Dreamers 5:12
4. Let Life Be An Origami 6:26
5. Nevro(tic) 1:46
6. Brainstorming Line 5:31
7. First Draft Of A Life 6:33
8. When The Kraken Comes 6:53
9. A Farewell To Gravity 2:18
10. Crisis 6:36
11. Hiranyaloka 6:48

Dead World
Giorno di pubblicazione 30-10-2009
1. Dead World 2:09
2. The Eternal Nothingness Of Sin 7:08
3. Fear Of A Suffocated Wrath 5:03
4. No Room To Imagination 7:50
5. Heaven Close At Hand 4:18
6. Hi-tech Lonelyness 6:53
7. Lost Children 8:29
8. Bloody Afternoon 4:00

*In rosso i testi non disponibili

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