In Dynamics | Biografia | Brani | Discografia | Concerti | Album | Discography | Testi

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Informazioni In Dynamics | 0 Fan!

Sono un gruppo musicale.
Anno Formazione Gruppo: 2016

Sussex trio In Dynamics spent 2016 going from strength to strength.

Alongside front man Beau Boulden, brothers Jack and Will Wrench have spent the past two years touring their critically acclaimed debut album ‘Everything I See’.

Quickly gathering support from Kerrang! Magazine, Rock Sound, Big Cheese Magazine, Scuzz TV, BBC Radio 1 and Kerrang! Radio + being long listed for the Heavy Music Awards ‘Best Album of 2016’ and included in Rocksound Magazine’s ‘Best albums of 2016’, In Dynamics have quickly earned their keep in the UK music scene.

Possessing a subtle talent for song writing and musical craftsmanship that cuts right to the core of the human condition, they still manage to hit home in a big way with carefully composed melodies and powerful hooks enshrined in technical guitar work and mosh-pit worthy riffs.

After tour dates and shows alongside the likes of The Subways,

Arcane Roots, Feed The Rhino, and The Dear Hunter they rounded off 2017 playing along side Jamie Lenman at his inaugural ‘Lenmania’.

Coming into the New Year with fierce momentum and a whole heap of potential, they are now setting their sights on new single ‘Happy & Honest’ due for release in May.

Come e dove seguire la Band In Dynamics

Genere Musicale

- Pop - Pop rock

In Dynamics

Everything I See
Giorno di pubblicazione 18-07-2016
1. Another Minute --> Proponi testo
2. A String Of Losses --> Proponi testo
3. We Are Liars --> Proponi testo
4. Leviticus

Anno di pubblicazione 2014
1. Waking Life --> Proponi testo
2. The House --> Proponi testo

Anno di pubblicazione 2013
1. Equal Ground --> Proponi testo
2. Running Hands --> Proponi testo

*In rosso i testi non disponibili

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