Janis Joplin | Biografia | Brani | Discografia | Concerti | Album | Discography | Testi

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Informazioni Janis Joplin | 0 Fan!
Nazionalità: Stati Uniti d'America
Nome: Janis Lyn
Cognome: Joplin
Età decesso: 27 anni
Segno Zodiacale: Capricorno
Data Nascita: 19-01-1943
Luogo Nascita: Port Arthur
Data Decesso: 04-10-1970
Luogo Decesso: Los Angeles


That voice – high, husky, earthy, explosive – remains among the most distinctive and galvanizing in pop history. But Janis Joplin didn’t merely possess a great instrument; she threw herself into every syllable, testifying from the very core of her being. She claimed the blues, soul, gospel, country and rock with unquestionable authority and verve, fearlessly inhabiting psychedelic guitar jams, back-porch roots and everything in between. Her volcanic performances left audiences stunned and speechless, while her sexual magnetism, world-wise demeanor and flamboyant style shattered every stereotype about female artists – and essentially invented the “rock mama” paradigm.

Born in Port Arthur, Texas, in 1943, Joplin fell under the sway of Leadbelly, Bessie Smith and Big Mama Thornton in her teens, and the authenticity of these voices strongly influenced her decision to become a singer. A self-described “misfit” in high...

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Genere Musicale

- Soul - Blues rock - Rock - Rock and roll


- Cantante

Janis Joplin

Early Performances
Anno di pubblicazione 1984
1. Trouble In Mind
2. Careless Love
3. Winin' Boy
4. San Francisco Bay Blues
5. See See Rider
6. Daddy, Daddy, Daddy
7. Kansas City Blues
8. Mary Jane
9. River Jordan
10. Walk Right In
11. Black Mountain Blues
12. Stealin'
13. Mississippi River
14. Silver Threads and Golden Needles
15. What Good Can Drinkin' Do
16. I'll Drown In My Own Tears

Anno di pubblicazione 1971
1. Move Over
2. Cry Baby
3. A Woman Left Lonely
4. Half Moon
5. My Baby
6. Me & Bobby McGee
7. Mercedes Benz
8. Trust Me
9. Get it While You Can

I Got Dem Ol’ Kozmic Blues Again Mama!
Anno di pubblicazione 1969
1. Try (Just a Little Bit Harder)
2. Maybe
3. One Good Man
4. As Good As You've Been to This World
5. To Love Somebody
6. Kozmic Blues
7. Little Girl Blue
8. Work Me, Lord

Cheap Thrills
Giorno di pubblicazione 12-08-1968
1. Combination of the Two
2. I Need a Man to Love
3. Summertime
4. Piece of My Heart
5. Turtle Blues
6. Oh, Sweet Mary
7. Ball and Chain

Big Brother & the Holding Company
Anno di pubblicazione 1697
1. Bye, Bye Baby
2. All Is Loneliness
3. Caterpillar
4. Down on Me
5. Blindman
6. Women Is Losers
7. Coo-Coo
8. Call on Me
9. Light Is Faster Than Sound
10. Intruder
11. Easy Rider
12. The Last Time

*In rosso i testi non disponibili

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