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Informazioni Kevin Gates | 0 Fan!

Nome: Kevin
Cognome: Gilyard
Età: 39 anni oggi è il suo compleanno!
Segno Zodiacale: Acquario
Data Nascita: 05-02-1986
Luogo Nascita: New Orleans - Stati Uniti

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Kevin Gates

Kevin Gates

Altri Brani
1. 2 Phones
2. 4:30am
3. 4 Legs And A Biscuit
4. 911
5. Again
6. Ain't Too Hard
7. Amnesia
8. Arm And Hammer
9. Arms Of A Stranger
10. Around Me
11. Ask For More
12. Baddest In The Building
13. Bbo Brains Blown Out
14. Believe In Me
15. Bet I'm On It
16. Break Her Down --> Proponi testo
17. Can't Make This Up
18. Careful
19. Chico
20. Click House
21. Complaining --> Proponi testo
22. Counting On Ya
23. Die Bout It
24. Don't Know What To Call It
25. Don't Know --> Proponi testo
26. Don't Panic
27. Fast Forward --> Proponi testo
28. Fuck It
29. Get Em
30. Get Up On My Level
31. Go Hard
32. Great Example
33. Hard For
34. Her
35. Homicide
36. I Don't Get Tired (#IDGT)
37. I Love It
38. Idgaf
39. Ihop
40. Intro
41. Jam
42. John Gotti
43. Just Want Some Money
44. Keep Fucking With Me
45. Khaza
46. Kno One
47. Know Better
48. La Familia
49. Lean 2 Da Side
50. Lean On Me --> Proponi testo
51. Lil Nigga
52. Love You
53. Luca Brasi Intro --> Proponi testo
54. MYB
55. Makin Love --> Proponi testo
56. Mexico
57. Money Magnet
58. Movie
59. Narco Trafficante
60. Neon Lights
61. Never Change
62. No Love
63. Not The Only One
64. Off Da Meter
65. Off Top
66. One Thing
67. Out The Mud
68. Paid In Full Help
69. Paper Chasers
70. Payback
71. Perfect Imperfection
72. Plug Daughter
73. Posed To Be In Love
74. Pourin The Syrup
75. Pride
76. Really Really
77. Rican Johnny
78. Satellite
79. Satellites
80. She Don't Wanna
81. Showin' Up
82. Sit Down
83. Smiling Faces
84. Soldier Man
85. Stop Lyin'
86. Strokin'
87. Talk On Phones
88. The Game --> Proponi testo
89. The Prayer
90. The Truth
91. Thinking With My Dick
92. Thought I Heard (Bread Winners' Anthem)
93. Thugged Out
94. Thuggin Hard In The Trap House
95. Tiger
96. Time For That
97. Told Me
98. Twilight (War With God)
99. Weight
100. What If
101. White Tan
102. Wish I Had It
103. Wit It
104. Word Around Town --> Proponi testo
105. Would You Mind?
106. You Can Leave
107. Fast Lane

*In rosso i testi non disponibili

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