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Informazioni LP | 0 Fan!
Nazionalità: Stati Uniti d'America
Nome: Laura
Cognome: Pergolizzi
Età: 43 anni
Segno Zodiacale: Pesci
Data Nascita: 18-03-1981
Luogo Nascita: Huntington

Sito web: http://iamlp.com/


Sometimes, the songs know before the songwriter does. That was certainly the case with LP's newest release, 'Death Valley,' a heartrending collection mined from the deepest reaches of her subconscious. Without fully realizing it at the time, the New York native was grappling with the fallout from a crumbling relationship in her music, putting together the pieces and learning to navigate a trying time of loss and struggle before she'd actually even embarked on the journey. "I was feeling uneasy, like I knew that something was wrong," reflects LP, who now calls LA home. "I got a lot of material out of that ominous, foreboding feeling I had." The 'Death Valley' EP, a preview of her forthcoming full-length on Vagrant Records, follows LP's 2014 major label debut, 'Forever For Now.' With its instantly recognizable single "Into The Wild," which was omnipresent as the soundtrack to a Citibank ad campaign and racked up nearly...

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Disco d'oro
Anno 2017
Album Lost On You

Genere Musicale

- Alternative rock - Indie rock - Pop rock - Pop


- Cantautrice


Heart To Mouth
Anno di pubblicazione 2018
1. Dreamcatcher
2. Shaken
3. Die For Your Love
4. Hey Nice To Know Ya
5. House On Fire
6. Dreamer
7. The Power
8. Recovery
9. Girls Go Wild
10. One Night In The Sun
11. When I'm Over You
12. Special

Lost On You - Deluxe Edition
Anno di pubblicazione 2017
1. Muddy Waters
2. Long Way To Go To Die
3. You Want It All
4. Death Valley
5. Strange
6. Tightrope
7. Other People
8. Suspicion
9. Up Against Me
10. Switchblade
11. When We're High
12. Lost On You
13. No Witness
14. Into The Wild

Lost On You
Anno di pubblicazione 2016
1. Muddy Waters
2. You Want It All
3. Death Valley
4. Strange
5. Other People
6. Tightrope
7. Up Against Me
8. Lost On You
9. No Witness
10. Into The Wild

Death Valley
Anno di pubblicazione 2016
1. Muddy Waters
2. Lost On You
3. Strange
4. Death Valley
5. Other People

Forever For Now
Anno di pubblicazione 2014
1. Heavenly Light
2. Forever For Now
3. Savannah
4. Someday
5. Levitator
6. Free To Love
7. Your Town
8. Salvation
9. Tokyo Sunrise
10. One Last Mistake
11. Night Like This
12. Into The Wild

*In rosso i testi non disponibili

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