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Informazioni Marilyn Manson | 0 Fan!

Nome: Brian Hugh
Cognome: Warner
Età: 56 anni
Segno Zodiacale: Capricorno
Data Nascita: 05-01-1969
Luogo Nascita: Canton - Stati Uniti

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Marilyn Manson

Genere Musicale

- Alternative metal - Shock rock - Industrial metal


- Cantautore - Attore

Marilyn Manson

Anno di pubblicazione 2017
1. Say10

Anno di pubblicazione 2015
1. Killing Strangers
2. Fated, Faithful, Fatal
3. Day 3
4. Odds Of Even
5. Cupid Carries A Gun
6. Birds Of Hell Awaiting
7. The Devil Beneath My Feet
8. Slave Only Dreams To Be King
9. Warship My Wreck
10. The Mephistopheles Of Los Angeles
11. Third Day Of A Seven Day Binge
12. Deep Six
13. Fall Of The House Of Death

Born Villain
Anno di pubblicazione 2012
1. Hey Cruel World
2. Born Villain
3. Murderers Are Getting Prettier Every Day
4. Lay Down Your Goddamn Arms
5. Disengaged
6. Children Of Cain
7. The Flowers Of Evil
8. The Gardener
9. Slow Mo-Tion
10. Overneath (The Path Of Misery)
11. Pistol Whipped
12. No Reflection
13. Breaking The Same Old Ground

The High End Of Low
Anno di pubblicazione 2009
1. Devour
2. Into The Fire
3. I Have To Look Up Just To See Hell
4. We're From America
5. Unkillable Monster
6. Wight Spider
7. WOW
8. I Want To Kill You Like They Do In The Movies
9. Running To The Edge Of The World
10. Blank And White
11. Arma-Goddamn-Motherfuckin-Geddon
12. Four Rusted Horses
13. Leave a Scar
14. Pretty As A Swastika
15. 15

The Golden Age Of Grotesque
Anno di pubblicazione 2003
1. This Is The New Shit
2. Better Of Two Evils
3. The Bright Young Things
4. Para-Noir
5. Spade
6. Slutgarden
7. Ka-Boom Ka-Boom
8. (S)Aint
9. The Golden Age Of Grotesque
10. Use Your Fist And Not Your Mouth
11. Doll-Dagga Buzz-Buzz Ziggety-Zag
13. Vodevil

Mechanical Animals
Anno di pubblicazione 1998
1. Great Big White World
2. Coma White
3. The Last Day On Earth
4. Fundamentally Loathsome
5. User Friendly
6. New Model No.15
7. I Don't Like Drugs (But The Drugs Like Me)
8. I Want To Disappear
9. Post Human
10. The Speed Of Pain
11. Disassociative
12. Rock Is Dead
13. Mechanical Animals
14. The Dope Show
15. Untitled

Antichrist Superstar
Anno di pubblicazione 1996
1. Irresponsible Hate Anthem
2. Man That You Fear
3. The Reflecting God
4. The Minute Of Decay
5. 1996
6. Antichrist Superstar
7. Kinderfeld
8. Angel With The Scabbed Wings
9. Mister Superstar
10. Wormboy
11. Deformography
12. Cryptorchid
13. Little Horn
14. Tourniquet
15. Dried Up, Tied And Dead To The World
16. The Beautiful People
17. Track 99

Portrait Of An American Family
Anno di pubblicazione 1994
1. Prelude (The Family Trip)
2. My Monkey
3. Snake Eyes And Sissies
4. Sweet Tooth
5. Dogma
6. Wrapped In Plastic
7. Get Your Gunn
8. Dope Hat
9. Cyclops
10. Organ Grinder
11. Lunchbox
12. Cake And Sodomy
13. Misery Machine

Altri Brani
1. A Rose And A Baby Ruth
2. Another Brick In The Wall
3. Apple Of Sodom
4. Are You The Rabbit
5. Arma-Goddamn-Motherfuckin'-Geddon
6. Astonishing Panorama Of The Endtimes (live)
7. Beautiful Poeple
8. Believe
9. Blood, Shit & Cum
10. Brown Bag (Remix)
11. Bum,bum,shake,shake,bum,bum
12. By Myself
13. Cat In The Hat
14. Choklit Factory
15. Come Together
16. Count To 6 And Die
17. Dancing With The One Legged
18. Dead God
19. Der Gärtner (Übersetzung)
20. Devil In My Lunchbox
21. Diamonds And Pollen
22. Don't Pray For Me
23. Down In The Park
24. Dried Up, Lied And Dead To The World
25. Dune Buggy
26. Everlasting Cocksucker
27. Eye (Live)
28. Eye
29. Filth
30. Five To One
31. Golden Years
32. Heart-Shaped Glasses
33. Hey Cruel World (Übersetzung)
34. Highway To Hell
35. I Don't Like The Drugs (But The Drugs Like Me)
36. I Hate
37. I Only Want To Be With You
38. IV-TV
39. Inauguration Of The Mechanical Christ (live)
40. Justify My Love
41. Kiddiegrind (Remix)
42. Kill Your God
43. King Kill 33
44. Learning To Swim
45. Let Your Ego Die
46. Like A Virgin
47. Luci In The Sky With Demons
48. May Be Harmful If Swallowed
49. May Cause Discoloration Of Urine Or Feces
50. Metal (Remix)
51. Mother Inferior Got Her Gunn
52. New Model No. 15
53. No Reflection (Übersetzung)
54. Obsequey (The Death Of Art)
55. Overneath The Path Of Misery (Übersetzung)
56. Para Noir
57. Posthuman
58. Redeemer
59. Revelation #9
60. Rock 'n' Roll
61. Sick City
62. Suicide Is Painless
63. Surrender
64. The Beautiful People (live)
65. The Kkk Took My Baby Away
66. The Lamb Of God
67. The Point
68. The Red Carped Grave
69. The Suck For Your Solution
70. They Said That Hell?s Not Hot
71. This Is Halloween
72. Thrift
73. Transylvanian Concubine
74. White Spyder
75. Working Class Hero
76. You Spin Me Right Round
77. You're So Vain

*In rosso i testi non disponibili

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