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Informazioni Montaigne | 0 Fan!
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Nazionalità: Australia


The Sydney-based artist has become an important figure on the Aussie indie scene, receiving widespread praise for her work including an ARIA award for Best Breakthrough Artist and a nomination for Best Female Artist in 2016.

A natural storyteller and entertainer, the multi-talented Montaigne has never wavered on the delivery of a unique artistry that has seen the Sydneysider ascend from young indie leader, to one of Australia’s most individual and dynamic voices.

Technicolour explores the human need to be close to one another, and was written and produced specifically with Eurovision in mind.

“I initially started writing the song after a catch-up call with my mum that was really emotional and had me crying on the floor thinking of that first line, ‘I want to be close to my mother.’ The song became about resilience and the courage that comes from being able to be vulnerable, being able to ask...

Clicca per vedere la biografia completa di Montaigne

Come e dove seguire l'artista Montaigne

Eventi e concorsi a cui ha partecipato


Altri Brani
1. Technicolour

*In rosso i testi non disponibili

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