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Informazioni Pete Doherty | 0 Fan!

Nome: Peter Daniell
Cognome: Doherty
Età: 46 anni oggi è il suo compleanno!
Segno Zodiacale: Pesci
Data Nascita: 12-03-1979
Luogo Nascita: Hexham - Regno Unito
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Pete Doherty

Genere Musicale

- Punk rock - Indie rock - Alternative rock - Garage rock - Britpop - Punk revival


- Cantante - Musicista - Frontman - Compositore - Attore - Chitarra

Pete Doherty

Brani del Gruppo The Libertines

Anthems For Doomed Youth
Anno di pubblicazione 2015
1. Barbarians
2. Glasgow Coma Scale Blues
3. The Milkman's Horse
4. Fury Of Chonburi
5. You're My Waterloo
6. Iceman
7. Belly Of The Beast
8. Heart Of The Matter
9. Anthem For Doomed Youth
10. Fame And Fortune
11. Gunga Din
12. Dead For Love

The Libertines
Anno di pubblicazione 2004
1. Can't Stand Me Now
2. What Became Of The Likely Lads
3. Road To Ruin
4. The Saga
5. Tomblands
6. What Katie Did
7. Campaign Of Hate
8. Arbeit Macht Frei
9. The Ha Ha Wall
10. Narcissist
11. Music When The Lights Go Out
12. The Man Who Would Be King
13. Don't Be Shy
14. Last Post On The Bugle
15. France

Up The Bracket
Anno di pubblicazione 2003
1. Vertigo
2. I Get Along
3. The Good Old Days
4. Begging
5. The Boy Looked At Johnny
6. Tell The King
7. Up The Bracket
8. Radio America
9. Boys In The Band
10. Time For Heroes
11. Horrow Show
12. Death On The Stairs
13. What A Waster

Legs 11
Anno di pubblicazione 2001
1. Music When The Lights Go Out
2. Hooray For The 21st Century
3. Love On The Dole
4. Bucket Shop
5. Sister Sister
6. Anything But Love
7. France
8. 7 Deadly Frenchmen

Brani del Gruppo Babyshambles

Sequel To The Prequel
Anno di pubblicazione 2013
1. Fireman
2. Seven Shades Of Nothing
3. Picture Me In A Hospital
4. Penguins --> Proponi testo
5. Dr.No
6. Sequel To The Prequel --> Proponi testo
7. Maybeline
8. Fall From Grace
9. Farmer's Daughter
10. New Pair
11. Nothing Comes To Nothing
12. Minefield --> Proponi testo

Shotter‘s Nation
Anno di pubblicazione 2007
1. Carry On Up The Morning
2. Deft Left Hand
3. Baddies Boogie
4. There She Goes
5. French Dog Blues
6. UnstookieTitled
7. Crumb Begging
8. Side Of The Road
9. UnBiloTitled
10. You Talk
11. Delivery
12. The Lost Art Of Murder

The Blinding EP
Anno di pubblicazione 2006
1. The Blinding
2. Love You But You're Green
3. I Wish
4. Beg, Steal Or Borrow
5. Sedative

Down In Albion
Anno di pubblicazione 2005
1. La Belle Et La Bete
2. Up The Morning
3. Loyalty Song
4. Back From The Dead
5. Albion
6. What Katy Did Next
7. Pentonville Rough
8. In Love With A Feeling
9. Eight Dead Boys
10. Killamangiro
11. Sticks & Stones
12. Pipe Down
13. 32nd Of December
14. A Rebours
15. Fuck Forever
16. Merry Go Round

Altri Brani del Gruppo Babyshambles
1. Á Rebours
2. 8 Dead Boys
3. A Fool There Was
4. A Litte Death Around The Eyes
5. A Little Death Around The Eyes
6. Árebours
7. Another Girl - Another Planet
8. Another Girl, Another Planet
9. Arcady
10. Babyshambles
11. Bacardi
12. Back From The Death
13. Beg Steal Or Borrow
14. Black Boy Lane (Single Version)
15. Black Boy Lane
16. Bollywood To Battersea
17. Clementine
18. Conversation Diva
19. Crumb Begging Baghead
20. Cuckoo 1440
21. Do You Know Me (I Don't Think So)
22. Do You Know Me
23. East Of Eden
24. Flophouse
25. From Bollywood To Battersea
26. Fuck Forever (Demo)
27. Fuck Forever (demo Version)
28. Gang Of Gin
29. He Will Fall
30. Hooligans On E
31. I Love You (But You're Green)
32. La Belle Et La Bête
33. Lady Don't Fall Backwards
34. Lost Art Of Murder
35. Love Reign O'er Me
36. Lust Of The Libertines
37. My Darling Clementine
38. New Love Grows On Trees
39. Palace Of Bone
40. Pipey Magraw
41. Revelations
42. Sedative (8min. Akkustik Version)
43. Sheepskin Tearaway
44. Side Of The Road
45. Sticks & Stones
46. Sticks And Stones
47. That Bowery Song
48. The 32nd Of December
49. The Ballad Of Grimaldi
50. The Man Who Came To Stay
51. The Whole World Is Our Playground
52. There She Goes (A Little Heartache)
53. Through The Looking Glass
54. Torn
55. Un Bilo Titled
56. Unstookie Titled
57. Untitled (1-19)
58. Untitled (2-10)
59. What Katie Did Next
60. What Katie Did
61. Who's Got The Crack
62. Why Did You Break My Heart / Piracy
63. Wolfman
64. Á rebours

*In rosso i testi non disponibili

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