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Informazioni RAFAŁ | 0 Fan!
Nazionalità: Polonia


Eurovision fans might recognise Rafał Brzozowski as co-presenter of the 2020 Junior Eurovision Song Contest in Warsaw, Poland.

His other TV work includes the popular music show The Name of the Tune and his time as co-host of the Polish version of Wheel of Fortune.

Rafał’s music career started with his participation in The Voice (of Poland), releasing his debut single Tak blisko (“So Close”) shortly after. Riding high in the Polish airplay and sales charts, the entertainer found further success with his albums Tak blisko and Mój czas (My Time).

Music aside, Brzozowski’s two biggest passions are sports and aviation. Rafał won a bronze medal for his wrestling in the Academic Championships of Poland, and is currently working on upgrading his private pilot licence to an aerobatic licence.

Perhaps Rafał...

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Eventi e concorsi a cui ha partecipato


Altri Brani
1. The Ride

*In rosso i testi non disponibili

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