The Hallows | Biografia | Brani | Discografia | Concerti | Album | Discography | Testi

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Informazioni The Hallows | 0 Fan!

Sono un gruppo musicale.
Anno Formazione Gruppo: 2016

The Hallows have been accused of being unique and not sounding like anyone else on the current music scene, and that’s just the way they like it. They buck against the trend of conveyor belt pop that seems to have become so commonplace and love nothing more than taking good pop and putting a dark, ethereal and sometimes menacing twist on it.

The Hallows have recently completed a triumphant UK tour that has seen them perform songs taken from their critically acclaimed debut album "Of Time And Tides".

They have supported Big Country & Courtesans and their erudite lyrics, unconventional instrumental lineup and ferocious live performances have earned them rave reviews from all quarters of the music industry.

The three piece are busy performing live and working on a new EP set for release in 2018...

Come e dove seguire la Band The Hallows

Genere Musicale

- Alternative Pop

The Hallows

Angel (Radio Edit)
Giorno di pubblicazione 02-06-2017 (Singolo)
1. Angel (Radio Edit) --> Proponi testo 3:50

Cardboard Love
Giorno di pubblicazione 02-12-2016 (Singolo)
1. Cardboard Love --> Proponi testo 4:05

Of Time and Tides
Giorno di pubblicazione 29-08-2016
1. Element --> Proponi testo 3:33
2. Cardboard Love --> Proponi testo 4:05
3. Hourglass --> Proponi testo 4:00
4. Turn This Tide --> Proponi testo 3:34
5. Hideaway --> Proponi testo 3:34
6. Stay --> Proponi testo 3:26
7. Angel --> Proponi testo 4:58
8. At the End --> Proponi testo 3:35
9. Euphoria --> Proponi testo 3:50
10. Bloodlines --> Proponi testo 3:31
11. Icicles --> Proponi testo 3:43
12. Little Wildling --> Proponi testo 3:10

Giorno di pubblicazione 04-07-2016 (Singolo)
1. Element --> Proponi testo 3:33

*In rosso i testi non disponibili

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