The Leading Guy | Biografia | Brani | Discografia | Concerti | Album | Discography | Testi

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Informazioni The Leading Guy | 0 Fan!

Nome: Simone
Cognome: Zampieri
Età: 38 anni
Segno Zodiacale: Scorpione
Data Nascita: 29-10-1986
Luogo Nascita: Belluno
Un suo video su youtube

Songs are the main thing for The Leading Guy. As a songwriter he tries to tell something unique and spontaneous although painful, he searches for silence so he can better interpret the sound of what is precious. Singing in an essential and direct way, TLG is spreading his softly, clanky voice around.

He must alight when he identifies that silent conversation that needs to be played.

He listens to people building up an honest relationship with them, exchanges whatever he thinks in that moment, and always shares his thoughts.

Come e dove seguire l'artista The Leading Guy

Genere Musicale

- Pop


- Cantautore - Chitarra

The Leading Guy

Per non andare via
Giorno di pubblicazione 24-01-2020 (Singolo)
1. Per non andare via --> Proponi testo

Twelve Letters
Giorno di pubblicazione 03-05-2019
1. Black
2. Land of Hope
3. The Temple
4. Free to Decide
5. Oh Brother
6. Times
7. In My Town
8. Sense of Awe
9. Melville
10. Carry On
11. Devil In My Arms
12. Can You Hear Me Now

Oh Brother
Giorno di pubblicazione 22-02-2019 (Singolo)
1. Oh Brother

Giorno di pubblicazione 29-06-2018 (Singolo)
1. Times

Land of Hope
Giorno di pubblicazione 16-03-2018 (Singolo)
1. Land of Hope

*In rosso i testi non disponibili

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