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Informazioni The LoveCrave | 0 Fan!

Formazione gruppo musicale:

Anno Formazione Gruppo: 2004

Formed in Milan in 2004 The LoveCrave have been able in a very short time to catch the interest of the europen media and signed right away with german Reporecords releasing in 2006 their first album.

Booking agency WOD placed the band in some of the biggest festivals in Europe such as M’era Luna, Amphi Festival, WGT… and suddenly the great live show of the band started to tour Europe.

Supported by the main magazines (Hard, Metal Maniac, Zillo, Sonic Seducer…) and big rock/metal radios The LoveCrave left for a german tour with canadian Birthday Massacre, played as headliners at the famous Camden Underworld in London UK, recorded 4 acoustic tracks for Total Rock radio in London, played as headliners at the Alcatraz, the biggest club in Milan, Italy and built a very solid fan base that waited about 3 years for the release of the new album.

3 years of hard work on the production and now “Soul Saliva” is out all over the world after the sign for US and Canada for the american label Metropolis Records.

The LoveCrave are ready for the burst of their new songs and for more tours and festivals in 2010 and 2011.

Come e dove seguire la Band The LoveCrave

Genere Musicale

- Rock - Gothic rock

The LoveCrave

*In rosso i testi non disponibili

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