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Informazioni VICTORIA | 0 Fan!
Nazionalità: Bulgaria


VICTORIA's distinctive voice and style position her as one of the most promising new artists in Bulgaria.

Growing Up is Getting Old tells of a journey to self-improvement by revisiting your roots and the places you feel safe. On writing the song, the Bulgarian singer revealed that she was thinking about the most important people in her life: her mother, her father, her sister, and her friends.

VICTORIA became popular after participating in the 4th season of X Factor Bulgaria, and interest in her music grew further when she was announced as the 2020 Bulgarian representative for the Eurovision Song Contest.

The musician loves animals and has 4 rescue dogs, two rabbits and a parrot. In 2020, she was one of the official European Ambassadors of Earth Hour and the first Eurovision artist from Bulgaria to perform at Sofia Pride.

VICTORIA also made Forbes Bulgaria's annual...

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Come e dove seguire l'artista VICTORIA

Eventi e concorsi a cui ha partecipato

10° in classifica
Anno 2021


*In rosso i testi non disponibili

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