Vincent Bueno | Biografia | Brani | Discografia | Concerti | Album | Discography | Testi

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Informazioni Vincent Bueno | 0 Fan!
Nazionalità: Austria


Inspired by his father’s performances fronting a local rock band, Vincent learned to play the piano, guitar, drums and bass by the age of 11.

This set him on a lifelong path of musical creativity, and in 2003 Bueno decided to turn his passion into a profession, beginning his training in musical theatre at the Vienna Conservatory.

The multi-talented musician was introduced to the Austrian public through the ORF talent contest Musical! The Show, where he emerged victorious having wowed the public with performances from GreasePhantom of the Opera and Singin’ in the Rain, amongst many other shows.

Returning to his family’s Ilocano roots, Vincent took part in the Philippine television show All-Star Sunday Afternoon Party XV in 2010, experiencing enough success to secure a record contract before returning to his native Austria.

Having missed out...

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Come e dove seguire l'artista Vincent Bueno

Eventi e concorsi a cui ha partecipato

Anno 2021
Brano Amen

Vincent Bueno

Altri Brani
1. Amen

*In rosso i testi non disponibili

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