I Never Needed | Alexia | Supertesti.it

I Never Needed

Testo I Never Needed

Alexia"I Never Needed"Love me, want me,hold me tight,just like the dreams I dreamt last night.Show me all that you feel inside.Your heart, your body,right next to mine.I know you?ve waited for so long,my love is real and twice as strong.I?ll give you love you?ve never known.Don?t tear my heart don?t let me go.There is nobody else but you.I give you all my love that?s true.Feel my love it?s so deep inside,without your touch I can?t survive.(Chorus)I?ve never needed no one like I need you,it?s true that it?s over,but I?ll always run back to you.I never needed no one like I need you,but I?ll always run back to you.Your love is not what it seems,so never take away my dreams.Don?t leave me out here all alone,time and time again,I?ve shown.If you feel sad I won?t dare,because I know you never cared.Gave you things,be on your way,our love is gone,so we can?t stay.I know you feel bad down inside,your inner weakness,please don?t hide.All the times that we did share,girl don?t look back, cuz..Under your spell, baby,I won?t let you go.So I?m coming back and I?m letting you know that?(Chorus)?back to you ohh?I?m under your spell, baby,I won?t let you go.So I?m coming back and I?m letting you know that?(Chorus)?back to you ohh?chorus fades out

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