The Devil In My Mind | Anggun |

The Devil In My Mind

Testo The Devil In My Mind

I got your message on my answering machine
Your voice in my head brings the smile on my face
Before it‘s too late maybe I should remember
That hesitate to beat the chance to regret

Cause I have all the time
To take it slow and easy
Sure let the devil in my mind
Decide too fast
Once upon a time
You got to make sure gotta tolerate
The devil in my mind
To think you‘ll live from your past

They said it‘s a mistake
That I‘m afraid to keep it
They don‘t want heartaches
To be an adolescence
But then my mind said
right from wrong
But I‘ll just have to wait
For love to come along

Cause I have all the time
To take it slow and easy
Don‘t let the devil in my mind
Decide too fast
Once upon a time
Got to make sure gotta tolerate
The devil in my mind
To think you‘ll live from your past

Though it is hard
I try to hold back
But I‘m falling for you
The feeling that I can‘t undo
I breathe and shake it
Live each moment
Once upon a time

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