All Back | Chris Brown |

All Back

Testo All Back

If I have a moment
I‘d capture that moment
And you would be right here next to me
If I had the secret,
The secret to your love
I would place the treasure beneath my heart
Lock it all up,
Throw away the key
I would never give it up
‘Cause I was just a fool,
A fool for you
When I loved you so childishly

And I want it all back
I want it all, I want it all,
I want it all back
I want it all back,
I want it all, I want it all
Girl I want it all
You never miss a good thing ‘till is gone,
I want it all, now I want it all (back).

If there is a green light
And it starts to turn yellow
Pedal to the floor,
‘Cause I know your heart is turning red,
If I have the minutes, I would turn ‘em into hours
And make love to your mind not your body instead
I was just a fool, a fool for you
That didn‘t know what had I until I lost you
Every single moment
That you‘re not here
It‘s evident to me that everything just seems so clear

And I want it all back
I want it all, I want it all, I want it all back
I want it all back, I want it all, I want it all
Girl I want it all
You never miss a good things ‘till is gone,
I want it all, now I want it all.

Now everything isn‘t everything
If everything, everything isn‘t with you
And I want it all back
I want it all, I want it all, I want it all back
I want it all back, I want it all, I want it all
Girl I want it all
You never miss a good thing ‘till is gone,
I want it all, now I want it all.
Now I want it all back
Now I want it all back
Now I want it all back

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