Beg For It | Chris Brown |

Beg For It

Testo Beg For It

Girl, I woke up before the light
Thinking about tonight
I can‘t, I can‘t sleep
Just a few hours ago
We had the TV on
Drowning out your screams
Tell me your favorite love song girl
I‘m gonna play it while your toes curl
Girl what you‘re saying speak your mind
Girl, show me what you like

I‘m a make you beg for it
Beg for it
I‘ll give you what you need
Only if you say please
I‘m a make you beg for it
Beg for it
Go on whisper your wishes to me, baby

Not gonna lie to you wasn‘t expecting you,
To have me on my knees, yeah
I‘m a gonna make you cry
Tears from your paradise
And love your ass to sleep
Yeah You‘ve got my favorite secrets on,
And I wont use my hands to take them off
Girl what you‘re saying
Speak your mind
Show me what you like!

I‘m a make you beg for it,
Beg for it
I‘ll give you what you need
Only if you say please!
I‘m a make you beg for it,
Beg for it
Go on and whisper your wishes to me, babe!

Baby I‘m gonna let it go,
Girl, you go get it good
I‘m gonna make twenty more seconds
Feel like twenty more minutes
Baby I‘m gonna make you scream, yeah
I‘m not finished yet, twenty more seconds
Oh, you ain‘t gotta beg no more
I‘m a give it up
I‘m a give you all my love
And baby ohhhh
I‘m gonna give you what you‘re asking for
But if you want more
I‘m gonna make you beg, beg
And I‘m a give you what you need
Only if you say please
I‘m a make you beg for it, beg for it, beg for it
Is your body telling me, oh?

I‘m a make you beg for it,
Beg for it!
I‘ll give you what you need
Only if you say please!
I‘m a make you beg for it,
Beg for it!
Go on and whisper your wishes to me, babe!

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