No Bullshit | Chris Brown |

No Bullshit

Testo No Bullshit

In my zone
Mixtape official joint
It‘s Valentines day so make sure ya‘ll do that special thing for the ladies
And have fun man, live, love life
3 in the morning
You know I‘m horny
So why don‘t you come over to my place
Put a smile on my face
Leaving the club
Shawty hurry up
So we can this party started
Take off your clothes, yeah
You already know what time it is
Reach up in the dresser where them condoms is
Baby, when I get it, I‘ll never let it go
Gonna take it slow

We ain‘t gon stop til 9 AM
If you can‘t it all, baby say when
Make you come over and over again
And I‘m a leave it in

When we do it, all night
We can do it, all night
Girl I‘m a give it to you, all night
So fly girl

So give me bullshit, all night [x3]
So fly girl

Now there‘s one of two things that can happen at this time of the hour
So baby after we get out of the shower
You can race me to the bed
Turn off all the lights and light some candles instead
Woah, yeah
I can hear your body calling, baby
Ohh, yeah
We gon get freaky
You know, darling
You know what time it is, get it in
I‘m a do it all

We ain‘t gon stop til 9 AM
If you can‘t it all, baby say when
Make you come over and over again
And I‘m a leave it in

When we do it, all night
We can do it, all night
Girl I‘m a give it to you, all night
So fly girl

So give me bullshit, all night [x3]
So fly girl

We can do it all, all night girl [x3]
We can do it all, all night baby, all night yeah

All night
We can do it, all night
Girl I‘m a give it to you, all night
So fly girl

So give me bullshit, all night [x3]
So fly girl

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