Oh My Love | Chris Brown | Supertesti.it

Oh My Love

Testo Oh My Love

I‘m a bad man but I‘m a sucker for love like I‘m a nanny
Girl I love the way you‘re looking at me
So I‘ma show you the meaning of what a man is
I‘m nasy, I go zum-zum and then the speakers in the trunk go boom-boom
I can give it to you fast or slow, girl I‘m a gentleman I‘m hoping you go
And the body starting like whoa-whoa, spinning a lot tonight
Hoping you stay tonight hitting the party right
Whoa-whoa, take everything off your mind we can just take our time
Whatever you want
Ah-ah, got a lot of money but that don‘t mean here cause I need you honey
Baby I gotta have you girl
Lemme get it when I get it if I get it I‘ma kill it
Baby when you get it we be rolling on the floor like
Baby... when you searching the position you ain‘t ever gotta slow down
I can be the... on the cover of your life, I can just one be under the covers for a night
... take a look around, put your hands in the air like it‘s...

Take a chance with me, girl you know that I won‘t do you no harm
All my love, you got my heart, heart, heart
Yeah, you know we‘re meant to be, yeah
On this magic intuition to star
All my love you got my heart, heart, heart

I‘m a bad man, what I am, what I am, what I am, what I am baby say that
I‘m a bad man and I can‘t and I can‘t and I can‘t just cause
I‘m a, I‘m a, I‘m a, I‘m a bad man (I‘m a bad man)
I‘m a bad man
Whoa-whoa, spinning a lot tonight
Hoping you stay tonight hitting the party right
Whoa-whoa, take everything off your mind we can just take our time
Whatever you want
Ah-ah, got a lot of money but that don‘t mean here cause I need you honey
Baby I need your love
Lemme get it when I get it if I get it I‘ma kill it
Baby when you get it we be rolling on the floor like
Baby... when you searching the position you ain‘t ever gotta slow down
I can be the... on the cover of your life, I can just one be under the covers for a night
... take a look around, put your hands in the air like it‘s...

Take a chance with me, girl you know that I won‘t do you no harm
All my love, you got my heart, heart, heart
Yeah, you know we‘re meant to be, yeah
On this magic intuition to star
All my love you got my heart, heart, heart

I‘ll be alike over you, over you
And I‘ma do some things you never seen before girl
Cause I‘ll be alike love you, love you
I‘m all you need girl, so get it, all of me, get it, all of me, get it,
All of me, get it get it, get it all of me yeah
Lemme get it when I get it if I get it I‘ma kill it
Baby when you get it we be rolling on the floor like
Baby... when you searching the position you ain‘t ever gotta slow down
I can be the... on the cover of your life, I can just one be under the covers for a night
... take a look around, put your hands in the air like it‘s...

Take a chance with me, girl you know that I won‘t do you no harm
All my love, you got my heart, heart, heart
Yeah, you know we‘re meant to be, yeah
On this magic intuition to star
All my love you got my heart, heart, heart

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