Say It With Me | Chris Brown |

Say It With Me

Testo Say It With Me

Aye baby
I don‘t like the way you got me feelin lately, oh
They say baby
I‘m feelin like you found someone to replace me
Do you remember you used to say
that you would never walk away
Cause I remember the time and a place
Like it was just yesterday
Baby had me (gone gone gone)
But you won‘t have me (I‘m gone gone gone)
Say no more cause I know what you came for
Just wanna play them games girl

So hard, to be let down (it‘s so hard baby to be let down baby)
Tell me you won‘t do this to me
We‘ve come to far (we‘ve come to far baby)
To give up now (to give up now baby)
Girl that‘s just the way it should be (Girl)
Say it with me babe
Say it with me [x4]

Hey baby
Yea you‘re crazy
But you ain‘t that crazy about me
Cause you think that you can get whatever you want
So you lie and you try to play me
Say lady, you‘re cold, you‘re poison to me
And I know
Do you remember you used to say
that you would never walk away
Cause I remember the time and a place
Like it was just yesterday
Baby had me (gone gone gone)
But you won‘t have me (I‘m gone gone gone)
Say no more cause I know what you came for
Just wanna play them games girl

So hard, to be let down (it‘s so hard baby to be let down baby)
Tell me you won‘t do this to me
We‘ve come to far (we‘ve come to far baby)
To give up now (to give up now baby)
Girl that‘s just the way it should be (Girl)
Say it with me babe
Say it with me [x4]
Hey baby please to take me love away
Tell the dj keep this party going hooray hooray
Hey baby please to take me love away
Tell the dj keep this party rockinhooray hooray

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