Wet The Bed | Chris Brown | Supertesti.it

Wet The Bed

Testo Wet The Bed

[feat. Ludacris]

[Intro: Ludacris]
Hear the sound of your body drip, drip, drip
As I kiss both sides of lip, lip

[Verse 1: Chris Brown]
I am afraid to tell if that means I‘m deep up in your ocean yeah
Girl I drink ya down seeping on your body all night
I just wanna take your legs & wrap around, girl you‘re coming right now
My head to ya chest feeling your heart beat girl
Swimming all in your sea, and you‘re sweating all over me,
Dreaming forward don‘t you run
I don‘t want to be a minuteman baby
You‘re just like a storm raining on me girl your soaking wet

I‘m gon‘ kiss it right, yeah, I‘m gon‘ lick all night
Girl when I‘m inside, yeah girl you heard what I said,
I‘m gonna make you wet the bed,
Yeah yeah yeah yeah,
I‘m gonna make you wet the bed, yeah yeah
I‘m gonna make you wet the bed, yeah yeah
I‘m a put your legs behind your head,
When I make you wet the bed, yeah yeah.

[Verse 2: Chris Brown]
You don‘t know what ya in for, bout to get inside yo mental
Bend yo back like it‘s limbo, I‘m a make you feel like a nimfo
Tonight your mind (baby girl)
Anytime you want it, I‘m a ready & willing to give it,
I said looking at your body you go to trembling, flip it around let me get it from the side
And can I visit all those spots ya like, your naked back is sexy, lips, booty & thighs
I don‘t want to be a minuteman baby
You‘re just like a storm raining on me girl your soaking wet

I‘m gon‘ kiss it right, yeah yeah, I‘m gon‘ lick all night, yeah yeah
Girl when I‘m inside, yeah girl you heard what I said,
I‘m gon‘ make you wet the bed
Yeah yeah yeah yeah,
I‘m gonna make you wet the bed, yeah yeah
I‘m gonna make you wet the bed, yeah yeah
I‘m a put your legs behind your head,
When I make you wet the bed, yeah yeah.

[Verse 3: Ludacris]
I‘m a make your body wetter than ever, we‘ll get together
You can tell her, as soon as I approach you
When you‘re feeling up tight, get it right,
Don‘t fight lighten up like Sammy Saucer
Women call me the supa soaker and I‘m a soak ya bed to def
How long can you hold your breath, asthma attacking,
Waking up wondering what happenend Making me high like Toni Braxton
You came tonight, you wanna break my back in
Two what you wanna do, look at you with ya birthday suit
The forecast says it cloudy tonight, & I‘m a have yo body like

I‘m gon‘ kiss it right, yeah yeah, I‘m gon‘ lick all night, yeah yeah
Girl when I‘m inside, yeah girl you heard what I said,
I‘m gon‘ make you wet the bed
Yeah yeah yeah yeah,
I‘m gonna make you wet the bed, yeah yeah
I‘m gonna make you wet the bed, yeah yeah
I‘m a put your legs behind your head,
When I make you wet the bed, yeah yeah.

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