Care | Pooh |


Testo Care

Care for a woman that cares for you
and she‘ll never go astray
care for the woman who shares your life
with kindness and warmth everyday
care for your woman and open wide
say all the things you‘re feeling inside you
tell her tell her you care.
Stand by a woman who‘s lost her way
and she‘ll always be in sight
stand by the woman when she‘s in darkness
and you‘ll be her guiding light
stand by your woman when she needs you there
and tell her you want her you need her and love her.
Tell her tell her
and make her really feel
that your love is real
do and she‘ll give to you
just take the time to know her
do your best to show her
care if you care about her
you‘ll never be without her.
There was a woman who gave herself
no matter what price it cost her
there was a woman for me alone
but I didn‘t care and I lost her
if you have a woman then hold her dear
just reach out and touch her whenever she‘s near you.
Tell her tell her
the little things you feel
that your love is real
do and she‘ll give to you
just take the time to know her
do your best to show her
care if you care about her
you‘ll never be without her.
There was a woman for me alone
now she‘s gone and I care.

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