Nathan Adler #1 | David Bowie |

Nathan Adler #1

Testo Nathan Adler #1

Old Touchschriek was the main nameserver
Suspected of being a shoulder surfer
But he didn‘t know from shit
About challenge response systems
Now Ramona A Stone we know was selling interest drugs
She got males all hung up on her mind filters
She was if you don‘t mine me saying so an update demon
Now Leon
He couldn‘t wait for 12 o‘clock midnight
He jumps up on the stage
With a criss criss machete
And slashes around cutting a zero on everything
I mean a zero in the fabric of time itself
Was this a suspect?
I says to myself
Woa! "Quelle courage!"
Oh wait, I‘m getting ahead of myself
Let me take you back to when it all began

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