"Have You Ever Heard Their Band?" | Frank Zappa | Supertesti.it

"Have You Ever Heard Their Band?"

Testo "Have You Ever Heard Their Band?"

Monica: Have you ever heard their band?
Spider: I don‘t understand it though. Their band, I don‘t understand . . .
Monica: I . . . I don‘t think they understand it either
Spider: What? The smoke?
John & Monica: The band!
Spider: The band doesn‘t understand what?
Monica: Did you know that?
FZ: The smoke stands still
John: There‘s some kind of thing that‘s giving us all these revelations
Spider: Yeah, well that‘s the . . .
John: It‘s . . . It‘s . . . It‘s this funny voice . . . and he keeps telling us all these things and I . . . it . . . I just thought that before we just thought of these things . . . ya know, like just off the wall and out of our heads
Spider: No, that‘s religious superstition

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