"A Different Octave" | Frank Zappa | Supertesti.it

"A Different Octave"

Testo "A Different Octave"

Spider: We are . . . actually the same note, but . . .
John: But different octave
Spider: Right. We are 4,928 octaves below the big note
Monica: Are ya . . . are you trying to tell me that . . . that this whole universe revolves around one note?
Spider: No, it doesn‘t revolve around it; that‘s what it is. It‘s one note
Spider: Everybody knows that lights are notes. Light, light, is just a vibration of the note, too. Everything is
Monica: That one note makes everything else so insignificant
John: What about negative light?
Spider: Pigs use it for a tambourine, which is one of the reasons why their music is so hard to understand

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