"That Would Be The End Of That" | Frank Zappa | Supertesti.it

"That Would Be The End Of That"

Testo "That Would Be The End Of That"

Spider: We can get our strength up by making some music
John: That‘s right
Monica: Yeah . . . yeah
John: But the thing is, you know what?
Spider: What?
John: We don‘t even understand our own music
Spider: It doesn‘t, does it matter whether we understand it? At least it‘ll give us . . . strength
John: I know but maybe we could get into it more if we understood it
Spider: We‘d get more strength from it if we understood it?
John: Yeah
Spider: No, I don‘t think so, because - see I think, I think our strength comes from our uncertainty. If we understood it we‘d be bored with it and then we couldn‘t gather any strength from it
John: Like if we knew about our music one of us might talk and then that would be the end of that

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