"Here Comes The Gear, Lads" | Frank Zappa | Supertesti.it

"Here Comes The Gear, Lads"

Testo "Here Comes The Gear, Lads"

Aynsley: Here comes the gear, lads!
Howard: Dunbar . . .
Jeff: "Here comes the gear, lads"
Howard: I‘m telling you man . . .
Jeff: Sounds like a Beatles cartoon
Howard: Key down
Aynsley: Just keep your mouth shut, you . . . Curly!
?: Look at those cars! The race cars
Mark: Sure sounds like the Beatles cartoon, "Hey, John Lennon here . . . "
Jeff: "Hey, Wankers, there goes the gear"
Pilot: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, this is your passenger agent. I‘d like to welcome you to aboard United‘s flight 664 to Spokane. We‘re departing in just a few more minutes. We‘ll just be a . . . couple minutes delayed due to loading some extra baggage.
Mark: Could that be ours?
Pilot: I‘d like to remind you that the, the bags you‘ve carried on, that they should be stored underneath the seat in front of you . . .
Mark: Howard?
Pilot: During the flight . . .
Howard: Uh, yes, Mark . . .
Mark: Would you like some film?
Howard: I would
Pilot: Hope you have a pleasant trip, and . . . thank you for flying United

Stewardess: Good night, all

Ha ha!
Now, the trip . . .
This is great!

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